I just got replacements for my 502b and 502d flashlight. its the 5 pack with the long spring on them. had to buy a few of them. Got also a zoom in type head lamp. waiting for the rest of my shipment from dx
Nice! Where did you buy that from?
Ordered directly from Supbeam
just like my original K40 (xml)
4*Sony VTC5 cells, Niwalker MM15, Nitecore D2, and a laptop battery.
Triple Nichia Sporttac module just arrived with 2 spare batteries
Yesterday I got batteries, parts for modding a server power supply, and my first milling bit. Today I should get dsche's quad XP boards and more stuff for modding that power supply.
I’ve never seen those blue/white 2500 eagletac’s before but have several white/green 3400’s that have NCRB’s inside, obviously the cells are good in them but the protection circuits are good too, they allow for a full 5A discharge before tripping.
Any idea what cells those 2500’s use?
I have really no idea, i like them a lot, cost me € 6,60 a piece, see not much difference from the 3100mah.
Over here more info,
dsche's direct to copper 20mm quad XP mcpcb's and wire strippers for beefy 8mm silicone wire. :D
Got my 858D I was waiting over a week for then fedex screwed up yesterday.
Here’s one of the 6 tool pack PCB’s I was waiting to strip for practice with it.
If practice was turning it to max and blowing all the chips off, you got it mastered!
Congratulations driveX.
Lol yea that was it,
This was my first driver, took 4 minutes including soldering & placing parts:
This one here is the prettiest one I’ve ever done (out of around the 30 17dd’s, about 50 total BLF drivers now all with an iron before this one)
Then I did these two in about 10 minutes, found a really efficient way to apply solder to the 7135 directly, not the individual pads.
So I’d say that was enough practice to have the hang of it lol (plus I consider myself very competent with the iron and at reflowing on the glass cooktop so it’s not like I was a noob with no clue what was going on).
I haven't done any SMD reflow yet. Maybe later this week... I couldn't really do it any earlier since I've been waiting for parts that only recently arrived.
Got an L3 Illumination L10 Nichia 219 (4 mode natural finish) from Illumination Supply. The LED is slightly off center but it doesn't seem to affect the beam at all. The tint is beautiful and it's brighter than I thought it would be. I'm very pleased.
I am a noob to surface mount electronics. My direct drive connection plate I made by removing the two components from a jewel thief driver has at least two serious problems. Lol.
I am not new to power supplies because I studied well regulated large laboratory magnet power supplies. The one we were using was a sliding brush variable voltage transformer with power transistors for fine regulation. It put out 900 KW and was stable to a part in 10**4.
I got this Nichia 219B on a Noctigon from Intl-Outdoor.
Got some goodies today-
Got my 5 XML color sinkpad’s Deannae at sinkPAD GAVE me! Got the copper rounds to build the new emitter shelf for my multi-tint 2 XM-L2/1 MT-G2 shadow SL3 (CW and WW XM-L2’s and NW MT-G2, watch for it for sale soon) and got my 10 switches from CNQ from this thread (specifically post 7).