What you got today

I just ordered the convoy light too, Does it replace the glass lense?

Got the convoy S2+ with the nichia UV LED, the filter glass and the clip. Love the all-black stealthy look and this nichia is no joke!!! My bathroom now feels a hundred times nastier, even though it looks clean with the normal lights on… :confounded:

Yes it does. I also got the short tube for mine as well.

Short Tube

I checked my bathroom with mine. The toilet was pretty damn nasty! I did clean it pretty good after I noticed all the urine stains all around it. I love this Convoy!

That’s my understanding. But as I wrote it really isn’t needed with the Convoy. It will make the light look like what it is though; a UV light.

The biggest reason I didn’t add it is because any filter reduces light output, even though it passes the desired frequency it passes less of it. But decide for yourself. I think it was somewhere on this forum that I saw a review of various LEDs and how well the filter works with them. It might have been linked to at the CPF.

Glenn, check around your cooking area. We clean ours regularly after cooking and there are stains from cooking. Around the B’room sink too. It’s cleaned regularly and the surrounding area fluoresces in a general glow. But I suspect some of the cleaners contain brighteners in them to explain that glow. It’s pretty easy to see the difference between body fluid marks and other marks/stains.

Brian, I just checked my stove, and it was pretty nasty even though it looks clean to the naked eye. As far as reduced output with the filter, I haven’t noticed much if any. Here is a picture of my bass guitar pick guard from 10’ away. As you can see it has plenty of output with the filter installed. For less than a dollar, isn’t it worth checking it out?

If it bothered me then yes, I would, immediately. When I place another order I might throw one into the package to experiment with it. Not having played with the filtered version and knowing that we can’t see UV I can’t help but think that the small amount of visible light makes the light a bit safer for me. I can see the spill light to better keep my eyeglasses in position to filter out the UV. In the meantime I’m having fun with it.

One of the deepest saturated reds that I’ve ever seen is some foliage seen at night. But the UV has to be intense to see it. Pepper plants, berries, and tomatoes, especially the underside of the tomato leaf, show this. Other weeds and deck algae also show the red. The world at night in UV is pretty interesting; at least for me.

Any link of the flashlight ?

Link to the light, Click here

ty Brian

Brian, whatever you do is fine. I was just trying to help.

Please use some safety glass for extended usage of your UV lights. Even the cheapest filter 99% of UV.
I had headache after 10 min of use with bare eyes…

I understand that. I almost bought one, but I don’t want to see anyone mail a 1 dollar item from asia. They’d be insane to do so.

I hear ya. How do they do it? If I mail a blank envelope to my next door neighbor, it would cost me 49 cents!

A tiny recommendation: I believe that the Gearbest ZWB2 filter has a 20mm diameter, while the one that Simon sells is 20.5mm, so it fits the S2+ just a bit better.

The one’s I got from gearbest fit just fine

They just probably rounded it down. Inspired by this thread, I also ordered my first UV light.

My first son :

Congratulations X3, looks well made! :slight_smile: