What you got today

Or alternatively, some stores offer home delivery.

Yes, I can do that.

I usually wear a mask at indoor stores, and now that I have Covid, it's the more responsible thing to do.

I called my doctor's office today, and they're going to call in some cold/flu medications to help with my symptoms.

When I go to the store, I'll pick up some orange juice which will probably help me at least a little.

By the way, I have a bunch of symptoms today, but I won't bore you all with my petty complaints.

A few new Olight’s … Baton 3 Pro and Marauder Mini.

Is it coincidental that the lights are the same color as your the name of your city?

“Santa” knows all … very thoughtful … no coincidence.


well, the title says “what you got today”.

i got a colonoscopy. glad i did, too, because
they are now “booked up” until March since
that lady actress died this week and got people
off their _ to check their_ out.

Can you get Z Pack (Azithromycin)? It’s sold over the counter. Under a generic name.

I hadn't heard of that one.

According to Amazon, it requires a prescription.

I'd have to ask my doctor for a script, and I don't think I'll be doing that, but thanks for the idea.

Just looked, Prescription only.

Can your doctor call the script in for you?

Most doctors office prescribe Z Pack for Covid here. At one point there was a shortage.

I don't know if he would, and I'm not going to bring it up.

He's supposed to call in some cold/flu medication for me, but he hasn't done that yet.

Doesn’t hurt to ask. It should make your recovery quicker.

Get well soon.

So yesterday's night and yesterday's morning, I felt just about the worst I have ever felt in my life.

I think I had practically every major Covid-19 symptom all in a 24 hour period.

Today, I still feel crummy, but I feel a whole lot better.

I'm feeling a lot more optimistic, and I think the worst is over.

From what you described, I’d say it was about the same as what my sister, B-i-L, and niece went thru a month ago.

Glad you’re feeling better.

I’m really curious to know your impressions. I’d seen that impressive sale at Olight on these, particularly the Marauder Mini… but I blew out my flashlight budget for the rest of the year!

The new Baton 3 Pro is my favorite of all the 18650-size Baton series. I ordered The Neutral White Orange version … an excellent tint. The Baton 3 stacks up to be a very versatile, compact, and powerful pocket flashlight. I love the optic and beam profile and varied output settings. All in all, I think it is a great light. I own all of the Baton versions. I am a long-time Olight guy and I think Olight has delivered in a big way with this new version of the Baton … Highly recommended.

Happy Holidays.

I'm feeling almost normal today...

I picked up a couple of prescriptions.

I got some Benzonatate and some Zithromycin.

I'm about to fix lunch, and I'll start both of those new medications with my lunch.

(Also, I've been drinking plenty of orange juice since yesterday.)

Ugh, I hate broken lunches…

Mmmm…Cooper Batons .