What's BLF Baking these days ?

My Saturday Cheedar Cheese bread project!

OOOOOhhhh nice! I love making pizza too, it’s so easy and quick - mouthwatering! My trouble is I can’t stop eating it, and often end up with indigestion later………

Well done Hank , improvements there for sure these are pure sourdough right? I hope you enjoyed them :slight_smile:
Keep at it - I promise you, it is a struggle at first and it feels like you’ll never get it 100% right - but you will. :smiley: (and it don’t really matter so long as you enjoy it)
I still don’t think it’s cooked enough though. Blacken the next one a tiny bit (not all over lol). Over cook rather than under cook, if it’s a bit raw it’s not good for you, overcooked = more crust but no belly ache !
Also don’t forget to slit your loaf before cooking! It will help stop that cracking type effect on top.

First time attempt at yeast cake with crumble topping. Gonna try it with fresh plums next time around.

That looks good! never heard of it, but I’ll look into making it.

Alright, I’m going to show off some of my baking experiments too :smiley:

Needless to say, I’ve gained a few kilo’s

Very very nice! is that a dutch oven I see there? I have never used one/had one , what’s it like?
Oh and Donuts……….I have been thinking about making those for a while now, maybe today is the day :stuck_out_tongue: they look yummy!
And Croissants too! I’d like to be your neighbour! I have never attempted those……

thanks! yep, it’s a dutch oven. Its heavy :P, but helps keep the steam in. But I’ve got very good results without using one and just placing a tray with boiling water in the oven. then again, I’ve got a very ideal stone oven which works excellent for bread, pizza and anything alike

For the donuts I used this recipe and they taste devine (I skip the lemon zest though): donut recipe
and yea croissants… I’ve been dissapointed with the croissants from local bakeries for a while now, so this quarantine was the ideal time to try and make them. They came out great, but I’ve had trouble replicating the results… very finicky

Was hoping this thread was about flashlights

My girlfriend and I were in bed.

She asked me if I wanted a dutch oven.

I said, "sure!"

So the next day she went to the store and bought me one.

True story. (Not!)

I've been busy baking...

Sandwich rolls but could use more water in the water pan in oven during baking for lighter crust maybe?

Rye Bread with Molasses. I guess it looks okay. Nice crust color and good poof texture.

Pulled Garlic Bread with herbs and sprinkling of Parmesan cheese. Herbs mixture looks kinda clumpy but overall looks decent.

Looks good Hank33. :+1:

I made some lasagna tonight. It’s always a hit with the family!

Way to go Hank! I’d be all over the garlic bread! Looks lovely!
The sandwich rolls look fine to me, more water could in theory help them rise a bit more - but it depends. Basically the water retards the crust forming a bit, so lets it rise more - it’s good practice to let the steam out at some point near the end so that you get a nice crust (if you like that).
Rye bread I’m not overkeen on and don’t often bake, so I can’t advise much there - it always is a bit ‘doughy’ though.

I’m having Bolognese tonight, but Lasagne is everyone’s favourite and I could eat that right now. :stuck_out_tongue:
I just pulled these out the oven, I’ll teleport one over for you to have with it lol! If only you could hear them crackling!

Everyone still baking these days? I’m still baking weekly actually. Finally got my sourdough starter set up few months back. Nowadays it’s usually Sourdough bread or Corn bread.

Not so much lately I must admit. Made a big apple cake earlier in the week. Bread for me comes and goes, as in when I’m in the mood I’ll make it for a few weeks, then it drops off after bread overdose lol!

I tried, but my mom’s recipes are all based on fresh yeast, which I cannot find anywhere. For some reason, these cakes don’t turn out well with instant dry yeast, which is what I have.

Going to have to give up on yeast recipes and try something that just uses baking powder instead.

It’s about time management for me when it comes to yeast recipes. Damm some sourdough recipes calls for 1 day proofing!
Cornbread is the fastest for me. No yeast so speedy batch to make. Mine has the buttermilk in it.

Delicious Pizza in my DIY wood burner pizza oven … :slight_smile:

That looks delicious ^. What time is dinner?