What's in your pockets ...

Phone, SkyWolfEye TLY321 (modded), Lypsyl.
Car keys, in car; wallet, in car; Phone does away with cash, also unlocks car (and house).

Beggars and thieves have no luck.

…until someone swipes yer phone.

@ Lightbringer:
Company phone, over the hill Samsung J3. Doubt someone would have interest. But true, without the phone I may have been locked out (but I always have a backup of the keys and the phone).

Having all invested in one device, gotta to think for those times I may forget…

Summertime, packing light.

That’s a Niiiice knife above.

Shorts. Left pocket. Keyring with flat black 2 cell button light.
2 x house keys. 1941 AUST Penny. and srm
either 6040 or 681 folders.
When I go out. An Astrolux AO1. O’Light e3T copper, or Jetbeam Jet-1 MK,
Serious out. an Astrolux S41 stainless. Imalent DN35/70
or L6.

Right Pocket.
Nothing till I go out. Then,
Phone. Car keyring with keys. Flat black light again.
And a loose Ganzo G733 or F 753M, or Y-Start 02. D2 blade?.

Back pocket.
Wallet carrying usually a lottery ticket for next Thurs,
Every thurs.
that NEVER wins me the Jackpot. $110 mill last night.
Bummer. spread t’ween 3.
Under seat. a divers knife and torch. with a flip out security stick.

Tray of ute.
Chain saw. Axe and 4 ft crowbar.
with 3.8kva Genny to run the 10in disk saw,
Axe for thigh bones. Then saw to cut up any A-hole that annoys me
after I beat him to death with the 4 ft bar. Chuckle.

Only kidding. The genny etc are for when away with the caravan for air cond and heaters. Sounds good though.

No wonder I wear braces on my shorts nowadays.

Today’s pocket light. My trusty E07 … :wink:

My hands.

Ha, suck it 1stSgt!!

I’ll Play,

Shirt Pocket:
Pen, paper for notes, iPhone (who was shy I guess and didn’t make the photo).

Left Pants front: Keys, normally only one set.
I am driving a loner cause my 2014 Toyota Highlander with 13K miles on it is GETTING A NEW ENGINE!
Nitcore TUBE on one of the keyrings.

Right front pants: Chapstick (a must have),
Swiss Army smallest knife (got to love the scissors, and the nail file has a screwdriver that fits a #2 phillips),
Flash drive with current utilities (so I plug it into a possible infected computer and not worry about anything getting hosed) – it also will boot a Linux Distro for trouble shooting or data recovery.
A bigger faster flash drive - for sneaker-net, and possible data copy (if I don’t want to mess with an external real disk drive).
Nitecore TUBE. Almost anything else is too big for office clothes. It’s modded by opening it up and putting a little sticky tape to keep the battery from rattling around. This (I think) is the reason many TUBEs have had internal electrical proplems.

Left rear pants: A wallet with too much crap in it. Parts of which are held together by gaffers tape. Needs an upgrade soon.

Right rear: Commando.

All the Best,

Do you have a link to this finest flipper you speak of? tell me about the other items on the key ring looks like a Atwood small pry bar and small bottle opener wedge?

Go Comma knife link:


Atwood Pry Baby, Marratac CU AAA L/M/H flashlight, Tritium fob and a German-made titanium prybar/bottle opener with tritium dot. Sunwayman V10R Ti+ with trits.

Olight MT2 Warrior … Excellent EDC

Kinda new here. Just found this thread. Love the Casio!

What Subaru do you drive Jon?

thanks for your interest, lets see if I can weave the answer to be on topic of whats in my pockets… lol

I carry the remote for my White Hippy Chic now, here are pics of her in Big Sur

tangent big sur, Westfalias

I love dirt roads and AWD/4WD vehicles.
Camping is a great application for flashlights

I usually had a copper Maratac in my pockets then
and a puukko, barlow, or peanut… pics here:


today a long pull Mop and a triple w aqua glow