What's the most expensive light you tried to kill with an Alka-leak ?

Last Night I spent about a half an hour checking every AA and AAA light I own to make sure I never lose a light to alkalines again .

I picked up a nitecore EZ AA and twisted to get itr to fire up and realized I had a dead battery in it ...Oh wait a minute it's a dead duraleak ..it took me another 45 minutes to clean it out with lemon juice and a dental pic etc to get it to fire up again.

Why do i like eneloops?? Because this will never happen again on my watch ...never !

Whats the nicest light you've lost to alkaleaks ?

$15 Sears “super bright” 4 LED circa 2005
plastic body, complicated plastic battery holder equals unfixable

4Sevens AA in Ti. It took be about 40 minutes just to get it open and another hour to get the alky out and clean up the light.

Not a light, but my $200 graphics calculator which I surprisingly rescued by stupidly dipping half of it in water and splashing around and then letting it dry a week before using again.

Happened only last year. I am not a smart man.

Good one boaz.

I have an inova x1 uvt with a leaky pos energizer from 3 yrs ago. I’ve had it for yrs with no problems but one day decided to use an alkie and left it in there. I still can’t remove the tailcap.

Any tips?

4/7s Quark AA squared Tactical. To be fair, it is a light my son uses and went against standard Cone SOPs buy using alki-leaks instead of Eneloops. It is now on its way back to 4/7s because the head is having performance issues. He also had a leaky battery in his red Sipik 68 at the same time.

There is the lesson of not using alkalines in expensive/important devices to be learned, of course, but the more important lesson for me is that maybe you shouldn’t let 12 year olds have access to said “expensive/important devices” in the first place.


My purple 2AA mini Maglite. ;_; This was before I knew about Cree and LSD Ni-MH though.

Maglite 6D cost around £25 ~ $38 in U.K.
Not “Lost” just I’ve rinsed it out and left it to dry and can’t be bothered to clean it properly.
I’m a convert to 18650’s now and frankly after SolarForce buying I’m in no hurry to go back although I have 6D - AA converters and 12 AA 2850 rechargeable NiMH’s so I’m set when I get round to it. There’s a TTS 180 Lumen upgrade in the Maglite so I’ll get working on it eventually.

Lumilite Krypton :shy:

An old Romisen 2xAA side clicky I gave to my dads. It had Duracells in it and the tail was stuck. Again half an hour with penetrating oil, freeze, hot water etc I could open the cap. Wasn’t a disaster but one of the cells were fatter and I needed quite some work to make it out. The head wasn’t opening due to the side switch.

Vinegar works a charm on alkaline leaks. I coated the contacts with a mild cleaning/protecting oil, Ballistol to prevent oxidation.

I just rescued a Balder HD-1 in the nick of time, maybe…

The battery had only been in there maybe a month, I caught it before it was horrible.

Unfortunately it’s still acting up, I need to clean it out some more.