In the UK we have been blessed with near summer like temperatures for the last month or so, it’s kinda crazy.
I just been out, snow foamed washed the car with the jet washer and I am sweating like a bull lol! it could actually be mid June………
Great for out in the garden and doing stuff, bbq tonight again and Mario kart on the outside screen after.
Weather here has been on ups and downs! We’ve had rain this week, colder weather, and today is a bright sunshining day (so far). Even if some clouds are starting to form…
Actually, due to the weather, I got out today to put some things in the trash and then I walked to the outside of my girlfriend’s home to say her “hello”
She was in the window, and I was outside, we had a small chat. I didn’t see her personally since the 10th March :zipper_mouth_face:
I was careful avoiding people on the street and then went back home.
I feel like the weather will change again, so it was good to “recharge” my batteries
Here in New England is been wildly fluctuating. Rainy like old England, the 60F and sunny the next. This morning I think Google Assistant told me it was 24F and should be in the upper 50s this afternoon. So typical New England spring weather. Last week we had 2” of white crap.
Wow, I didn’t think the weather would vary so much - where it’s so warm here I somewhat stupidly presumed it would be warm everywhere lol
Wouldn’t it be nice to teleport…… I’ll have a couple of days with PP in OZ, then move on to Portugal with mascaratumB, then it’s Poland with spit, over to the states to - we’ll move from cold snow to warm and end up with Raccoon frying, then to Thailand! Nice week of travel!
Interesting for this topic to come up two days after April 21st, one third of the way from March 21st to June 21st. That means that for the northern hemisphere, north of the tropic of cancer, and south of the arctic circle, the solar angle is three-quarters (75%) of the way from the lowest on December 21st to the highest on June 21st.
So, for those of us who are located at a latitude from 23 1/2 degrees to 66 1/2 degrees latitude, this is the end of Astronomical spring and the beginning of Astronomical summer. After four more months, the four month long Astronomical summer will end, and the two month long Astronomical Autumn will begin on September 21st.
Because the arcsine of 1/2 is not 45 degrees, but instead is 30 degrees, the top quadrille of daily average temperatures occur in a four month period, and the second and third quadrille of daily average temperatures each occur in a two month period. Four months for Astronomical winter, too. So, if it seems that middle range temperatures occur only one sixth of the time, twice a year for a total of one third of the year, that is because that is what actually happens for people who are located between the tropic of cancer and the arctic circle. Lowest quadrille temperatures occur one-third of the year, and highest quadrille temperatures occur one-third of the year, due to the sinusoidal, not linear change of the annual solar angle.
Btw, today's weather around mid afternoon ranged from partly wintry through springy to partly summery.
Same old, same old for the start of the autumn/winter drought: temperatures between 19 and 32-34ºC, humidity between 60 and 30%, all depending on the time of day. Can’t wait for October to be here again already.