What's with the bad punctuation and misspelled words lately????

Is that all you got? :smiley: I was waiting for a good laugh.

Give us some of your hill billy NYC speak or what ever it is you do.

After following this thread, I just know I’ll start fretting over my grammar and punctuation knowing that there is(are?) one or maybe more posters checking my work.

I’ll be watchin’ ya, man, watchin’ ya reeeeal close like.

It’s easier for a smart person to act stoopit than for a stoopit person to act smart.

I’m sticking with Cityspeak.

Mmmm, try Chaucer.

Maybe, but at least I don’t chart my butt index…

Good thing I hadn’t tooken their advice…

Frustrating! I get that almost every time I conversate with someone.

Ugh, I hate those people…

Damn……Uses his tongue purtier than a twenty dollar whore.

I find ‘irregardless’ and ‘alot’ very annoying. Unfortunately ‘irregardless’ has been included in the Merriam-Webster dictionary.

That would be ‘takeed’. Present tense plus ‘ed’ to create the ‘simplified’ past tense.

What bugs me is "couldn't care less" and "could care less."

People get those mixed up all the time, even those that talk for a living on television who should know better.

I’m all with this post.

The trend that I see is that people often ask questions without actually using a question mark. This looks really lazy to me.

Of course it can be correct, for example:
“I wonder why he does that.” is correct, I believe

But what I see a lot lately is something like:
“Why does he do that.” , which without the question mark looks more like a statement (which it isn’t, damn it)

And yes, often people do use a dot (period). So maybe it’s not pure lazyness, but they just don’t understand punctuation very well, or (a different theory of mine) they for some reason think a question mark looks too ‘strong’ (which is not true, they are wrong).

“Myra had the baby.”

Festus said it best

Dude, totally with you on the Pleaded crap, I have had “animated discussions” with the Sister in law Teacher about this.
DO we say “We eated the Fish Special last week at Jim’s Diner” ??

Hell No we don’t. So why would we say he pleaded guilty last January? BS it is.

Back to the OP;
If you can get the Gist of it without it being an exercise in futility, then all is good.
If you have to look up words an Urban dictionary, then well…maybe they could have tried just a teeny bit harder.

Call em’ as you see em’

My job is in law, for two decades now. Pled has never been used or correct - it has always been pleaded. Yes, pled makes more sense and feels better to speak...I do it myself. But it has never been proper at all and I actually don't ever recall hearing pled or seeing it in print...certainly could be wrong on that. I also don't know why pleaded stuck and was never treated like most other words...probably one of the dumb things that English is known for and makes it so much more difficult to learn for most non-native speakers.