I am a novice at this flashlight stuff. I find myself having the urge to buy more lights though. My best and brightest light right now is nothing special, it’s an XinTD SC-82 M5. I don’t know what all that means as I bought it the way it is on the recommendation of a fellow member a couple years ago. It’s a pretty good light though and it feels like it’s built really well. I have another light that I like that’s not as powerful as this one, it’s a Convoy M1 which currently needs a tail switch replacement.
I’ve been thinking about picking up a new and better thrower in the coming months to accompany me when I go bowhunting these Texas feral hogs and have to get to my camp or car after the sun goes down. Who knows, I might be able to arrow one and then have to recover it in the dark. It’s likely though that this light will be used most to investigate those things that go BUMP in the night or are approaching my campsite or my car, whichever I am sleeping in at the time.
I’d prefer to keep the price at below $50. I don’t necessarily need it to use 18650 cells, but it would be nice as those are the only cells I have lights for.
I’d like to hear what you all currently have as your favorite thrower in the Under $50 range.
And, just for kicks….how about listing your favorite thrower that’s UNDER $25!
Thank you all for your time and any help you care to give me.
Have a good Sunday.
Wowtac A4. Got a one from Amazon for $40. Bought 2 at Christmas from Illumn while on sale for $28 each. For under $50 club thus one performes with the best.
The Convoy C8 / C8+ with XP-L HI or the Sofirn C8T are probably the most budget friendly lights in this category => 80-100k lux
The Lumintop GT Mini costs a bit more, but in my opinion it way more complete package with better features => 160k lux
If you are into modding and such, you might as well get a Convoy C8 host, slap an Oslon White Flat 1mm^2 and a 12x7135 nanjg driver which will get you ~ 250k lux.