What's your most used/favorite tool beside flashlights?

RobertB. Oh man. What luck! Same thing, except the France agent took my goose grease. $40 down the drain. Maybe better luck in a checked bag, maybe. And your bubbly made it in too? Pleasant dining mes amis.

I am using my 2kg drilling hammer (4.4 pounds) for building lights :)

My sister brought back some knives from Peru and made the same mistake with the same outcome. I’m convinced that the TSA check is a pointless waste of time.

But… but… how would we ever be safe from terrorists wielding Cupcakes Of Mass-Destruction??

I will go cry myself to sleep now.

Here's the 13-in-one, but for some reason it's rebranded:


Here's a coupon for it, but as Sillen points out, apparently the coupon is only for Israel.

So many to choose from…

Wow ! That’s quite the tool chest !

This is so… Steampunk!

That is a beautiful tool chest. What is the history of that set?

i recognize most of the items, but what are the wooden-handled devices behind the back saws, and higher up on the other side?

That’s Henry Studley’s tool chest. It’s sometimes on display at the Smithsonian, but is privately owned.

More info here.

This site has some excellent photos of it.

Here’s Norm Abram giving a tour:


The somewhat sad thing with such things is that they become curiosities for museums or rich collectors and none of the excellent tools will ever be used again for the work they were intended to.

The cat is out of the bag, as it were, on the chest.
But how do you put it all back in?

kennybobby, The things behind the saws are chisels.

Ah’ 1 an’da 2 an’da way we go…

And a modern chest built with a lot of Love, Blood, Sweat, and (I suspect) Tears.

I’d never find anything all neat and packed away in one box :person_facepalming:

ARGH! Mr Monk would go nutz straightening all those hanging tools.

The problem with having an exact spot for every tool is:
Ya’ buy one more and where the heck do you put the thing?
I’ve done this with customized tool drawers in my tool chest.
Ends up in the “extras” drawer or floating around the shop someplace.
All the Best,

I had a construction company —- I felt fortunate if all the tools made it back in my trucks —- We went to set up one morning and a fairly new Senco Frame Pro spent the night on the job — After that I started a policy —- 5 guys working ,leave a tool (Loose it ) —split the cost 5 ways —they made sure we got them all from that day on

I used to repair silo unloaders. Lost a tool one day. Turned on the unloader only to have it find the tool and stop the unloader. Had to climb 60 feet up a ladder and go back into the silo, tear apart the machine to retrieve my tool, fix the damage, and put it back together again. After that I organized my tool box and did an inventory before closing it every time. Unfortunately that was 40 years ago and I now have far more tools and far less organization;-)

Yep—- When I was a lot younger I had a lot less tools and hell of a lot more drive — Now all I need is a poor excuse to slow me down

I grew up on a farm and we had to monkey with our silo unloaders quite a lot. At one point we left our 3D Maglite up there by mistake. That sucker got jammed in the unloader and survived! It was slightly bent but still worked. I hear the new ones user a lighter gauge aluminum for the tubes though so they probably wouldn’t have survived.

Edit: I just recalled, I don’t think it made it’s way to the blower section of the unloader. I think it was on top of the machine and got wedged between two parts of the frame.