So I bought a cheapy 26650 zoom light from a Chinese vendor. I was curious about if it was modable. The sale included a 26650 Lion cell. I did not expect great things from the cell but what the heck. It came yesterday after a circuitous voyage of 40 days. I ran the cell through my Litokala500 to see what the actual performance was. I ran the test twice; first time the Litokala 500 stated the capacity to be 458 mAh. The second time 448 mAh. Well that is pretty much useless so I decided to see what was under the wrapper. The photo below shows it all…
Yep that cell is just under 22 mm diameter. The PVC sleeve makes it come out to a diameter of 25.2 mm. It does measure 65 mm in length. With the wrapper it was a little longer as it had an extra cap spot welded on the + end and a thin plate at the negative end as well.
I have yet to tear into the light itself. It is a Mikoze as pictured below… And that brown wrappered cell in the photo is the one I got. The machining anodizing seems good, the tailcap threads are the usual cheap triangle shape but are smooth turning and came lubed.
I’ll post details on the light in another topic, soon.