Where are all the new headlights? 1 year and nothing!


Skilhunt H03C offers magnetic USB charging (or non-magnetic and bring your own charger), 0.5s press straight to red, an excellent headband, a magnetic tailcap, and a pocket clip for about $50 delivered.

Downside: White has mode memory, though you can leave it on firefly mode. Also, red is fixed at 100lm, green at 150lm, and blue at 30lm.

I would love to see how this qualifies as a “headlamp”. I suppose with enough duct tape…

Seems like a bit of a missed opportunity too, to provide RGBW emitters but not allow any color mixing.

Klarus HL1
Looks like an exact copy of Wuben H1 :person_facepalming:

Wuben H5 pre order