It’s usually a light sentence. I’ll be here all week. ~Matt
Thank you
We stick ’em where the light don’t shine
The whiteout house
Into a black hole.
Where do the bad jokes go?
To this thread.
In the 1990s, I took a Creative Writing class in college, and I wrote a song based on Nirvana's Lake of Fire.
(I have this song that I wrote memorized.)
Where do bad jokes go when they die?
They don't go to Seinfeld 'cause he's number one.
They go to a place called Saturday Night Live.
Don't see 'em again 'til summer reruns.
Norm MacDonald is excused
from this form of abuse.
Norm is the best of S-N-L.
The rest of the cast can go to hell.
George and Jerry talk over food.
They're both as funny as that Letterman dude
and I don't want to be too rude,
but I don't wanna see any of 'em in the nude.
I don’t know where they go, but Olights emit them!
Sorry, couldn’t resist!
Good one Maxxsounds!
Hey Matt, is that a bit of light humor?
I hope you’re feeling better these days.
Soo… not maximum security but a light security prism…?