We are all happy to see that the Raccoon has “surfaced” again.
But he was only off-line for a few days, due to a bad internet connection.
What bothers me more is that CRX has not been seen here for 2 months and 2 weeks. Of course I am a very nosy person, but I just hope he is alright. Anyone?
His flashlight builds are, of course, amazing.
I hope CRX is okay.
July 12, 2021, 12:31pm
quite a few “where is …” threads lately. hope everyone is OK.
I am still looking for Foy.
My guess is he lost interest in the forum. I reckon he still dabbles in CRX creations. Old-Lumens was the godfather but CRX is the king
July 12, 2021, 2:58pm
I sent him a private message and didn’t get a reply.
His reddit isn’t active either, but it was less active than here. . .
I worry more about this kind of thing with Covid.
hopefully CRX is just at the Pub
I do hope he is OK
July 12, 2021, 5:48pm
The Health Club I go to has an age range from 95 thru 18 — every time some one doesn’t show up for a while we wonder if they passed away — you see these people several times a week then all of a sudden they’re missing — Crazy
I also hope he is okwie and doing well.
In case anyone was wondering...
CRX is back!
January 1, 2022, 9:32am
It's behind the barn with a tarp over it waiting for an electric conversion.
I’m glad that we can put this thread to rest.
January 1, 2022, 3:24pm
You missed two…
CRX TiBolt Titanium & Brass Pen, Brass carry case.
Hand made bolt action titanium pen with Fisher SPR4 ink cartridge.
Spring powered bolt action release to extend the triple layered titaium writing nib.
Hand made brass felt lined carry case.
Hardened steel glass breaker tail with matching bolt.
The pen has an outer titanium casing lined with brass then titanium internals again.
Triple layered extending nib with brass lining.
This pen operates in the opposite way of most bolt acti…
CRX TiCu Bolti Triple XP-L HI 3D - Convoy 5A - 18350 - Bolt Action Sw - 1485lm.
I had thought about this build for the contest but alas could not make it.
Bolt action side switch titanium & copper flashlight.
Hand made, no lathe etc as usual.
Ti-3Al-2.5V grade 9 titanium alloy body, copper lined
Copper battery tube
Triple Cree XP-L HI 3D emitters
LED4P 20mm Copper DTP MCPCB
Carclo 10507 optic
20mm x 1.5mm ARC glass
Copper topped brass pill
Convoy 17mm 5A the…
Where did the picture of my sister go pink? :laughing:
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you too!