Okayokayokay, so I got my trusty EBL 14500 in my GTmicro. Last I checked it (days ago, not last month or anything), it blinked out 3.6V, which is low, but not in need of any immediate recharge.
Seems my cats, or at least one of ’em, doesn’t know the meaning of the word “boundaries”, and climbs onto my table, etc., and swings his tail around like a club. I swear, he must have ankylosaurus DNA somewhere in his genome.
Well, after picking up my lights off the floor and putting ’em back on the table for the umpteenth time, I notice that the ’micro’s sideswitch is dark. Odd, but sometimes that glitch kicks in and the sideswitch light stays dark. Nope, totally dead. Tailcap’s on tight, so it’s not locked out or anything. Odd.
So I unscrew the cap to check on the cell, and it’s sloooowly sliding out. Wtf?? It’s wet! And it stanks. And the wrap’s completely split open like it overheated! Again, wtf??
Yep, the beastie leaked out inside the light. Okay, so that goes right into the garbage. I wash out the tailcap spring and everything with detergent and water (no corrosion anywhere that I could see). Then after rolling paper towels into tubes and running them through the battery tube multiple times, I finally wash out the innards by drizzling detergent into the tube and running hot water down the pipe multiple times. Whole thing’s drying off now.
So, it had to have happened recently, whether the little furball accidentally turned it on and it ran down because of no LVP, or it just self-drained in a matter of days from 3.6V to leaking. I’m just amazed it didn’t go all supernova if it leaked and/or heated enough to split the wrap. And no “uncontained failure”, either? Small miracle, if you ax me.
Either way, I’m definitely reconsidering keeping any cell in a light if not in active rotation.