Which 14500 LiIon Anduril lights offer Regulated output w NoPWM?

  1. Emisar D2

any others?

Guessing :


I don’t know any other light than the D2 that comes with such a driver from the factory. The FWAA can be modded with @thefreeman’s driver. I know that there will be a new 14500/AA multi-chemistry light with a very good driver and Anduril in a few weeks or months.

The SP10 Pro uses PWM.

Emisar D2, regulated and NoPWM
chart thanks to TacGriz review

my own Opple 3 Flicker test:

FWAA is not regulated and uses PWM
charts thanks to zeroair review

SP10 Pro
chart courtesy of SammysHP
it shows no regulation on LiIon

random PWM pic found online somewhere:

If I’m reading correctly, it looks like your Opple measured 8kHz on the D2 whereas Zeroair measures 20kHz (20μs) on the SP10 Pro FWAA.

If 8kHz flicker doesn’t bother you then why would 20kHz?

It’s the depth of modulation. PWM controlled flashlights usually turn completely on and off. Constant current regulated lights sometimes have some ripple which is for example like a change in brightness between 90 and 100%. Such ripple is usually not visible to the eye.

As a side note, I wouldn’t trust the Opple to reliably measure the depth.

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aside from the frequency, Note the D2 Modulation depth is almost Zero

I just measured my FWAA, this is what it looks like:

and here is what a TS10 looks like:

and here is a Skilhunt H150:

And my Emisar D2

1 Thank

OK, interesting measurements.

Since you’re looking specifically for no-PWM (at the LED) then I guess it must be noticeable/bother you?

I know I can see the flicker of a cheap 120V string light (think Christmas lights) since they’re flashing at 60Hz. I doubt I’d notice 15-20kHz.

Im interested in Low Flicker Index. I think that is a calculation that combines Pulse speed with Modulation depth.

note for example that the D2 and the Skilhunt have flicker index of 0.0017 and 0.0014

while the FWAA has a Flicker index of 0.0310
and the TS10 is 0.5005

as a rule of thumb, Flicker Index of 0.0500 or less is desireable to prevent migraines from long exposure to Flickering light sources. Even when we do not consciously notice the flicker.

Im not just judging by whether I can see the flicker with my eyes

1 Thank

Yeah, I think people just need to be patient and something good should be out soonish.

4 Thanks

I’m more surprised that nobody has spilled the beans with more details.

Looking forward to whatever it ends up being.

thank you very much for the info and insights

very encouraging
Ive been hearing rumours about the TS10 possibly getting a regulated driver in the future, I dont know if it will also be PWM and Ripple Free

I also heard about another driver in the works, a few months ago, but was asked not to talk about it, so I have been waiting mostly patiently

Im glad to hear there is still progress for a Regulated and hopefully no Flicker no Ripple Anduril driver in the works :wink:

The Skilhunt driver has very nice low Flicker Index but the lowest mode is 0.1 lumens and I like the option for a lower floor as in the Anduril firmware that now goes down to about 0.01 lumens (but w PWM), and the skilhunt lacks any modes between the 11 lumen and 60 lumen levels.

Im spoiled by the mode spacing flexibility of Anduril… the Skilhunt UI just leaves me wanting Anduril, but with Low Flicker Index.

So far, the D2 is the only light that comes close to my goal…

I tried a Zebra, but found the UI frustrating… If they ever come out with an Anduril version, with Low Flicker Index… Im a buyer :wink:

Oooh, i’m intrigued.
(And, fortunately, patient :smile:)

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ImPatient too, when will it be ready? LOL
Take my Money! :wink:

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I’m clearing now my wanted-lights shopping cart😎

lol, I did too :wink:
I did order another Emisar D2, but did not proceed with the Skilhunt M150 I was considering

I just really prefer Anduril and with Regulation, NoPWM, and better efficiency, I just dont want to deal w the Skilhunt UI

Some of the things Skilhunt UI does that I dont like and that Anduril does much better include
My H150 can not go from low to high predictably, it might come on at 3 lumens instead of 0,5, and it might jumpt to 60 lumens instead of 10, and it also aggravates me that the automatic battery check flashes in my face when I use the light in the dark. Plus if I want to go down in output, I have to go Up first.

Anduril has none of those issues. I dont have to see battery flashes unless I ask for them, I can start from low and go up predictably, or down when I want to go down.

The only things the H150 does better than my TS10, is regulation, efficiency, and lack of PWM. But I never know what level it will turn on at, and if I want the lowest mode I need a different clic command than if I want medium… and sometimes when I think Im going to get medium I get High instead… very aggravating

Anduril Rocks!

2 Thanks

I’ve the same thoughts, I’ve also bought H150 due to great driver, LED, beam, optional charging and great headband. So far is my favorite light, but only lack Anduril :smiley:
I’ve get used to Skilhunt UI but as you mentioned sometimes is annoying ex. this low voltage warning. Fortunately it doesn’t blink in moon levels.

So now we are waiting :smiley:

PS. still conidering D2 but now will wait to compare with this new misterius one.

mine definitely blinks the button when I turn on moon

D2 UI is Much better than H150, but not as small

the future is coming… lol

oh yes, its true, button blinks. I thought that you mean blink with main led when voltage is low, it is annoying.

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