I have a number of lights I’d like to replace the driver in (all mechanic switches). Many Convoys with the annoying 3/5 mode driver and some other torches with drivers that have failed or just aren’t up to the job.
Previously I’d have used the A17DD-L FET+1 (aka the BLF A6 driver). I have this in loads of lights and it is arguably my favourite driver in “any” light. For the simple reason you know what mode the light will turn on. For pocket EDC lights I program to start on low. For anything C8 sized (coat pocket non EDC) set to come on High. You can change modes quickly and easily and go in either direction. It really is a super driver. e.g. in my BLF A6, I know it’ll come on in moon, but if I want Turbo it is only two clicks from off, so essentially you can go to either extreme with ease. I also like the fact you can go moonlight to slightly brighter, then back to moonlight. I use this all the time in the house.
Sadly, I can’t seem to find this driver. Banggood is where I’ve been buying them from. But they are showing as out of stock and the date keeps on moving.
They are not expensive, but are maybe a little more pricey than some other drivers. I used to use the Qlite 3.04 from Int’l Outdoor and have this in a few lights. The modes are good, but I HATE mode memory, as you never know what output the light will be in when you turn it on.
Anyone suggest which drivers I should go for?
Mostly I’m replacing drivers on CREE XP-L/XM-L2 etc. So direct drive Turbo mode is fine. Although I’d like some options to maybe use some other emitters also, be it higher volts ones or ones that need current limiting.
Are any of the Convoy drivers worth looking at?
This one looks interesting:
5amp. Able to disable memory and modes look good. How would this be in a Convoy S2+ with an XM-L2?
This one says 8amp, I assume I could use it with other LEDs. Looks to have a different UI to the one above, but still seems like it would do what I want.
This one says it works with an XHP70.2 on 1 x Li-ion, which sounds interesting. Is the XHP70.2 a higher voltage LED to an XP-L? What other LEDs could I use this driver with?