I want to automate my room lights , which are the require components i have to be use?
I think you can get motion activated light switches.
Easiest way to retrofit is to use light switches.
I have done ceiling mounted sensors but IMHO those are eaiser to do if it’s been planned during construction.
I’ll add don’t get your hopes too high. We try to talk people out of those dang things and are often called back after a month or two to swap them to normal switches. Nothing is more annoying than sitting in a room and the lights keep turning off making you wave your arms to turn it back on every XX minutes. They seem like a good idea on paper but in the real world just a PITA.
I know not everyone likes the idea of a “smart home” and it can be pricey, but we’ve been gradually adding more lights to ours. Voice control is actually pretty convenient. You can set “scenes” to configure all your lights how you want them and trigger the scene in different ways, e.g. by proximity (say your phone connects to your wifi when you get home), by time of day, or ad hoc with a command. This is more complicated, but IMO way more useful, than motion-sensor lights which have their drawbacks as noted.