Which batteries for which flashlight

It’s frustrating, when you get a new light and your cells don’t fit.
So the point of this thread is, for everyone to list their flashlights and batteries with which they run, without any spring modding etc.

When there will be enough data, i’ll make a list of those combinations for the forum users :slight_smile:

So lets start:

Xtar b01-fits xtar 2400mah protected button top
-fits ncr 18650a protected button top
-fits sanyo ur18650f protected button top

Small sun zy-t08 - fits all the cells mentioned above

Xin-td c8 v3 - fits all the cells mentioned above

If you have any suggestions, on how this data should be collected, please share those ideas :slight_smile:

Nitecore 18650 3100mAh fit all Solarforce L2 series that are supposed to take 18650’s even with 2 or 3 extension tubes. They also fit in the Nitecore i4v2 charger.
WF CR123A primaries fit in all multiples as well, so do Nitecore, Duracell and Energizer, I’m talking 1 to 6 cells, they area bit small width wise but no problems.

Excel spreadsheet to collect and organize the data? Or perhaps a google doc?