Which C8 for modding?

Hey guys, I am new to this website/torch-mods and already I am lost!

This would be my first mod, and I would love your input.

I wanted to get a C8 and then mod it to put a new xm-l2 u2 1c on a 20mm copper SinkPAD in it with a 2.8A driver.

However, I have seen that almost every C8 seems to be different! So that throws getting a nice replacement pill out of the window! I don’t know which C8 to get, what pill would fit it, what size driver i’d need (Seems to be 17mm or 20mm) and also now I have seen that some c8’s don’t even use 20mm sinkpads.

Please could you “Shed some light” on the matter (forgive the pun)?

Get the Convoy C8 host. I can tell you how smooth is the thread and how good is the anodization but just get this host. But as you know the pill use 16mm star and 17mm driver. Finding another C8 pill is not garanteed to fit the convoy C8.

Noctigon can be a good alternative to sinkpad.

For the driver, I would highly recommend drjones drivers
There is also a polish driver, that not only use custom firmware but modded the 105c itself.

Do not stick to xm-l2 u2 1c, U2 bin is the most powerfull but 1c tint is really cool white, try another tint on a non moded light. T6-4C is popular around here, very neutral white. I received a flashlight said to be T6-4C but it was really more warm tint than my other T6-4C but in the end I like it.
You can’t know unless you try it.

Convoy c8 is definitely a good host; you could go a bit cheaper with an Ultrafire, but I’d stick with the convoy. With the above linked host all you need is a 16mm star + emitter and a 17mm driver. Nanjg 105c driver work well for me.

I would definitely go noctigon over sinkpad. That way there’s no question over quality/version.

I personally love a very cool white (1A), neutral white is okay, and I really dislike warm tints. It depends on what you prefer. 1A is also a great tint for dedome for increased throw, it will result in a neutral tint after removing the dome. A Dedomed 1C will have a greenish tint which looks horrendous imo.

Are you in the United States?

Why don't you buy this Convoy C8 with XM-L2 U2 1A LED with a SMO reflector, 2,8 Ampere for $16,71 from Banggood.com.
You will pay the same for the host, a unmodified 2,8A driver (the DrJones or polish driver cost much more) and a SMO Reflector. But with the whole flashlight you got a XM-L2, too.

It's not a copper XM-L2, but you can try to dedome it or use it for another flashlight and buy a Noctigon copper base 16mm LED. XM-L2 U2 1A (CW 6500-7000K) or XM-L2 T6 3C (NW 4750-5000K) from INTL-Outdoor for round about $6,80.

Thanks guys! I didn’t know the convoy C8 was so good. I was put off by the 16mm base.

Okay a few more questions if that’s alright…

Why “Dedome”?
and also how do you actually fix the base to the pill? I have Arctic Silver thermal paste but I am unsure if that would “glue” it still.
Will I get any heat issues with a convoy c8 using a xm-l2 u2 at 2.8-3A?

The C8 was a good design from Ultrafire, many time copied but Convoy offer a excellent finish for a budget price.
I don’t think that you’ll have a big difference between a 16mm and a 20mm base.
Dedoming will give you more throw and as the C8 is a thrower, it’s interresting but it’s not easy done and easy to mess with (I mean you waste a XM-L2).

I was hesitant about dedoming but after doing it, I like it, gives more throw and beam still looks good. I have only done one and it was very easy, submerge the led in gasoline and come back the next day, the dome will be gone.

I don’t see any Convoy C8 with SMO reflector in that link? In fact I only have seen Fasttech does carry one version with SMO reflector but I can’t find it elsewhere.

at banggood C8, you have the choice of the emiter and the reflector, SMO stand for smooth.
Let say you take “XML2 T6-4C SMO (+US$2.50)”then you have a XM-L2 with T6 bin and 4C tint with a smooth reflector.

I have a convoy C8 and XM-L2 U2 1A Noctigon XM16 MCPCB on the way! :smiley:

Cheers guys!

Oh just notice that!