I don’t own a Convoy brand light yet but I hear they are good. Looking for a small and slim 1x18650 that is good quality and priced well.
I want a warmer tint, simple UI with the fewest modes possible. I would prefer a forward clicky and a good pocket clip. Most throw out of a head that is no larger than the body so it’s easier to pocket carry. No C-8 type lights for me.
I like the looks of the red S2 and the price but I know nothing about the line so tell me which one is the closest to what I want. Doesn’t have to Convoy if there is something better.
Also, if I get the S2, which pocket clip should I order? Where is the best place to order the light and clip from? Ships from the U.S. Is a plus.
I have two of the exact flashlights I mentioned . ( Boaz initially encouraged me to try this light as he knows what I prefer as far as tint , beam profile , and portability )
All of the S series have the same size reflectors ( Except the S2+ and S3 ) and the beam has a nice smooth transition between spot and spill . They are not particularly throwy , actually floody , but for short to medium distances they have an excellent beam profile .The S2+ and S3 lights have a shallower reflector and are therefore floodier .
I replaced the stock two mode group driver in one of my lights with a 3.04 amp Qlite and wound up regretting the change . The Qlite driver had a lower low and medium and a higher high , but since I use my lights on medium most of the time , I preferred the slightly higher medium of the stock driver .
The 5C tint is pleasantly warm without being overly so . It reminds me of a slightly over-driven incan .
Before I had an S2 , my favorite EDC light was the Xiaozhi . But the body tube of the light was too narrow for the Panasonic B batteries I prefer .
If there was one light I wish everyone on the forum would try , it would be a Convoy S2 .
Hey Speedsix, I asked pretty much the same question and got some good answers in this thread:
I ended up going with the S2, dedomed xml-2, smooth reflector, qlite driver *12 7135, AR lens, and clip all purchased from MTN. Right now it is my absolute favorite light. It’s not my best thrower, but when you turn it on high you won’t believe the amount of flood and throw from such a small thing. Very impressive. I would recommend the smooth reflector with this as it does seem to give it more throw along with the dedomed emitter. It does get hot on high, but for extended periods of time medium is perfect.
I’ve never had any problems using the aliexpress payment system but you can PM or email him to use paypal instead, choose epacket shipping for a few extra bucks (much faster) and if you ask him he might throw in the upgrades and a clip for free. I’m awaiting the titanium grey color version to arrive.
The S3 can use the same clip as above or make a contact shim to use a Solarforce clip.
Not sure if you would like the UI or the switch, but here’s another alternative that meets most of your requirements: “small and slim 1×18650 that is good quality and priced well and a good pocket clip” http://www.gearbest.com/led-flashlights/pp_169257.html
That red S2+ with a lanyard is so hard to beat with that nice tint, I am having a hard time not buying another one, even though there is no way I could use it…
These convoy lights seem pretty nice. I’m slowly becoming a tint snob I hate to say.
It started with having a neutral tint Spark SD6 headlamp. I use it much more than my cool white Armytek Wizard Pro Wide. The Armytek is a great headlamp but I made the silly mistake of going for max lumens instead of the neutral tint. I use it but not like I would if it were a nice tint.
I’m now at the point where I have enough lights that I can be very choosy as far as tint goes. I won’t buy anything unless it’s at least a neutral white.
I was going through all my lights today and comparing them to the Convoy S2 I just bought. I have to say the Convoy has the nicest tint of them all. Most of my lights are cool white because I bought the before I became a tint snob.
Now, I’m not happy with the cold white, green, blue and purple tints of my lights.
Yup I hear you, same thing happened to me, especially after I got my first 4C I loved it and was hooked, ordered a 7C, then 5A1, my unknown Chinese warm bins resulting from: “Please if you have anything warmer than 7C send that”, then 5B1, 7D4, 7A3, 7A3 dedomed…all very, very nice: “sunset in the forest” feel
Sorry for the whole post quote but I am in exactly the same situation as you except I do not have Armytek. I am really slowly to dislike cool white. I like it indoor but the ‘cold’ tint really makes you feel colder in winter when using it