Which Duracell Rechargeable AA's are the best ?

I have a duracell coupon for 1 free pack of any batteries (up to a max of 8 cells)

Which AA’s do I want ? I have heard about duraloops. Not too sure where to get them.

Duracell also has the new ones with the 5 year warranty which they advertise as “ion core”, whatever that means…

Duraloops the ones with the white tops. They’re quite easy to identify. As for finding them in the first place, I know I have a hard time finding them here in Australia.

What is this ion core they speak of?

the OP thinks thinks they are rebadged eneloop XX, but capacity being similar proves nothing, a discharge curve matching the eneloop would be more convincing

duracell Ion cores are

4 for $9 at toys R' us

10 for $20 at sams

Considering they are free I’ll just grab whatever says made in Japan.