Which is better in Power efficiency Direct drive driver or constant current Driver ?

Hi all

i was wondering which is better Direct drive driver or constant current one

lets say both of them giving me the same amperage with a fresh charged cell, so which of them is more efficient

what i am comparing is those 2 drivers ” Nanjg 105c with 11* AMC7135”:https://www.fasttech.com/p/1186301 that should give me 3.85A and this 17mm 2-Mode Direct drive with resistor mod that can give 3.9 A
so what i need to know which is better in Power efficiency Direct driver driver or constant current Driver

between the 2? the direct drive will be more energy efficient.

@HKJ, in which case 7135 will dissipate energy as heat?

As long as they supply the same current to the led, the efficiency is exactly the same.