I have a few shadow lights and overall very happy with them. I found a vendor for the Shadow JM26 dual 26650 light offered in XHP50 and MTg2. just curious, at the same amperage, which is brighter?
I know the MTg2 is warmer and the XHP50 is cooler but they both rate 2200 lumens in this light.
From Cree…
Maximum Light Output 1987.5 lm
Maximum Efficacy at Binning Conditions 137 lm/W
Maximum Light Output 2546 lm
Maximum Efficacy at Binning Conditions 149 lm/W
Obviously at the same watts/amps, the XHP is higher output but what APPEARS brighter?
the lumens are about the same, but the XHP50 is a much smaller led than the MT-G2. Therefore you should get more throw (lux=brightness) with the XHP50 variant. IIRC, these lights seem to have driver issues where the light just dies after some time… At least that’s what I’ve read… Cheers man
XHP50 will appear a lot brighter because of the smaller hotspot and higher efficiency. Not that the hotspot of the XHP50 will be small, it will be pretty large, but a lot smaller than the flood of the MTG2.
The XHP50 is not necessarily cooler than the MT-G2. Much like the XM-L2, the XHP50 is available in a wide range of CRI and color temperature. But since cool whites generally have the highest output, flashlight manufacturers LOVE to use cool whites so that they can advertise higher lumen numbers. On the other hand, the MT-G2 is not available in cool white. 5000K is as cool as it gets with the MT-G2. Without a cool white option available, MT-G2 lights will be warmer than XHP50 lights. But only because flashlight manufacturers tend to like to CHOOSE cool white emitters when they are available.
They are about the same in output both can be boosted above there rated amperage for a better output. If you want info on the MTG2 ask dale he uses them a lot.