Which is the best of these 3 batteries?

Hello, I’m new to the forum and have a simple question:

Which of these 3 rechargeable LiCoO2 Li-Ion batteries are the best?

1). Nitecore 18650 3400mAh 3.7V Protected Lithium Ion
2). Olight 18650 3400mAh 3.6V Protected Lithium Ion
3). XTAR 18650 3400mAh 3.6V Protected Lithium Ion

ps. Price doesn’t matter, only performance, simple at that!

Thank you in advance for your help!


(edited for V correction)

they are all basally the same cell; likely on a panasonic core. So any of them will be fine.

Where are you located? If in the US, you can get the same Panasonic/Sanyo protected cell for 1/3rd the price. Nitecore, Olight & Xtar don’t make batteries, they re-wrap Panasonic/Sanyo with their name on the wrapper, and charge an arm and a leg for it. If you are not in the US, then I have no idea where you can get them.

Example here, and if you want even a better one, here

NCR18650B 3.7V 3400mAh 18650 Protected Li - ion Battery

Now go put the money you just saved at the service of some noble cause.

Cheers ^:)

I asked LiIonWholesale.com about the these.


Their response:

Exactly, Keeppower, Orbtronic, Ewa, and Efest for that matter, don’t manufacture batteries. They re-wrap them. Panasonic/Sanyo doesn’t make a battery with a protection circuit, they are added by resellers. In the case of Liionwholesale, they add a Seiko protection circuit.