Which light do you use the most and why?

Hey guys it’s been a while since I’ve logged on, about 6 months I think? I’m seeing some new names around here!

For me it’s my 2*AA Red Maglite Nichia 219 (which I run off 1*14500) which I acquired from OL 2 years ago. It’s still going strong, I’ve used it probably twice a week minimum for the past 2 years I’ve had it.
It has a good amount of flood and awesome colour while being quite small so it’s great to use for engine bays which is what I primarily use it for.
The second most used light is probably my BTU Shocker which I use about once every 2 months. It’s a great light - mega bright with legendary throw (probably not considered legendary anymore since it’s a 1st generation) but it’s way too heavy to just pick up and use on a regular basis, so I’ve just stashed it in the boot of my car in case I ever need it, which I’ve never actually had to.

What light do you use most and why?

Why , it's my EDC , of course .

Convoy S2 with 5C xml at 2.8 amps with a deep carry clip .

Love the beam profile , tint , size , and hidden blinky modes .

Yep .

I want an EDC light now, but I can’t decide which one to get :s

ThruNite Tis. Because it’ on my keyring :wink:
But seriously, because it’s bright enough, simple enough and takes easily available batteries

Welcome back!
There do seem to be quite a lot of noobs around here… :smiley:
Probably my tank 007 e09, because it’s on my keyring…
My Fenix e50 runs virtually every night with diffuser as a bathroom night light….

For me the most used is one of my first ever LED torches a Romisen RL-B7 the LED came off the star so I replaced it with a XML-T6 and binned the driver as it was too dim with it and used direct drive not sure what lumens it has now it’s not quite as good a my old C8 but its smaller and has no stupid modes at all, click on click off and thats it, it’s used every day for work when i just need to peek behind a dashboard.

a L3 L10 AA 4 mode xp-g2
The size is perfect for pillow duty. Take it from low grade insomniac.
AAA size lights get lost in the sheets easily.
Despite a AA battery limitations, if you only had this light you could do a lot worse.
My L10 lives on EverReady :open_mouth: Ni-mh’s. They just won’t quit. Wish they would fail so I could get some Enelopes.
On a light pollution free night, it throws a relatively broad beam.
The threads arrived very tight in contrast to the first one I got.
They have since loosened up.
I need to order a deep carry clip.
The white finish is visible long after black finishes are invisible in dim light conditions. I ordered the natural finish received the white instead from sbflashlights.
The emitter is off center.
The dome has a large cree manufacturing blemish/flaw on the dome.
The mode spacing is defective as well.
Mine always starts on high, so it’s hi-turbo-moon-med mode cycling.
Light green cream tint & phase shift. The color rendition is pale green outdoors.
Indoors the 3 higher modes provide a range of neutralish tint that works well. The green is not as apparent.
Moon mode [in all it’s phase shifty glory] is a subdued blue spruce.

For all it’s quirks, it’s my most used light.

Sunwayman V11R because it’s on my nightstand and not only do I have poor vision, my dogs do too. Sometimes one of my dogs will wake me up to turn on the flashlight so they can see enough to jump back on the bed.

The L10 is nice, too, and probably my #2 favorite light. I have both the XP-G2 and Nichia 219 in 4 mode versions and they both are almost perfect. The Nichia one had some rough threads at first but they smoothed out over time. SBFlashlight pulled a funny one with me too a little bit when I paid for the black one and then they told me it wasn’t in stock and asked me to pick a different color after the fact. But they sold me two awesome lights so we can still be friends :slight_smile:

I think I might be one of the only people here who don’t use a light to walk around the house.

How bizarre! Why would anyone do that?

Convoy S3!

i use my convoy s8 the most for EDC :slight_smile:

Jetbeam RRT01. Small enough to carry all the time and has every mode between 0 and 600 lumens.

A Solarforce L2N with the L2-CLI lens and reflector replacement for a very floody beam. It suits my needs at the moment but it will usually be a Solarforce L2 series of some sort.

Convoy S6 with xml2 3B tint.
This was my first kit light, it taught me all about quality differences between budget light brands. Love the size, the tint, and the matte black finish gives it a ‘sticky’ feel in my hand.

My 15x Trustfire, Warrior and 3t6 share “most use” alternately at 3-6hrs divided among them night hike/wk :slight_smile:

Convoy S2 T4-7C and warm white S3 triple from RMM tie for most frequent short term use nightly and short walks.

Xintd c8: perfect balance of flood and throw!

For me it's Sunwayman c20c modded with XM-L2 on noctigon and it's a great compact little light with good modes and good battery life.I only wish that they had a moonlight mode...oh well.In second place only due to battery life is the Olight s10,great little light and modes are perfect for me.

P60 or P60 sized lights, lots of different ones, lots of light for the size. I don’t EDC anything.

honestly, my olight i3s. just for the moonlight.