Which movie did you watch lastֻ

CollectEverything: I agree 100% on how ignorance about mental health causes a lot of unnecessary suffering. I learned from personal experience that our brains can get messed up biochemically from a variety of causes, and that medication is often necessary for maintaining health as a result.

I think the labels given to psychiatric diseases lead to much misunderstanding. Without getting way off topic, I’ll just offer the opinion that when someone is diagnosed with clinical depression, for example, most people assume that means the problem is caused by their outlook on or reaction to events in their life, and they assume the person so diagnosed feels “depressed” or sad. In reality, the illness isn’t caused by one’s attitude or behavior - it’s a disease of the brain with biochemical origins. And it doesn’t necessarily involve feeling depressed or sad. Sadly, some major insurance companies and medical professionals promote misunderstanding by labeling treatment of all mental illness “behavioral medicine.” I’ve scolded one major insurance company about this, but they don’t care.

Anyway, your assessment of Colm’s behavior seems absolutely correct to me. I think the extreme nature of his behavior eventually caused Padraic enough grief that he finally acted out in a way that was way out of his normal behavior pattern, as well. I guess there wouldn’t be nearly as much drama in a situation involving people who act reasonably.

I saw Searching (2018).

[One of my favorite movies of all time.]

This movie is excellent.

The acting is top notch.

The music is very nice.

The plot is very well thought out.

I've never seen a movie use technology to advance the plot like this movie does.

Also the plot has an impressive twist that I did not see coming.

I was hoping for a horror movie, but this film is far more drama and mystery than horror.

Still, I really enjoyed this movie.

Haven’t heard of it before… looks good.

And Harold & Kumar’s in it, too! Haven’t seen him since “House”.

Ha! I got a whole hard-drive full of “Raccoon’s Favorite Movies Of All Time”.

Not the movies themselves… just the list. :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The original. My daughter asked about it, and I had never watched it, so we watched together. Whew.

The guy really went looney. Colm could’ve addressed this FAR differently.

Now, presuming you have two men who are friends. But, ONE friend is more heavily invested in the other friend. The less interested friend could really give or take the relationship, but doesn’t reveal their ambivalence. In fact, that person, who I’d call Colm, can’t be bothered with the drama if he told his friend that he really wasn’t his friend and that he’d grown tired of his banal ramblings. So he puts up with it. And at times, with sufficient drinking, he can look past it. But when sober… it’s hard. This is a gradual buildup over a long, long period. Finally, he had his epiphany about life being short and decides he has had enough.

Colm could’ve taken a more civil approach. “Look, I have to tell you Pádraic, that our friendship has run its course. I’ve not been honest with you, out of trying to protect your feelings. But I just can’t do it any longer. My outlook on life has changed. I am going to focus solely on my music, and I just don’t want to spend time talking with you about nothing. I can’t put this any different. I wish I could, but I’ve been kind long enough. We’re both here, in the same town, and we can’t avoid each other. But from now on, it’s pleasantries. Nothing more. I just don’t want to drink and chat with you any longer. I’m sorry, but that’s the way it is. Please respect my wishes and that’ll be that.”

If Pádraic persists on trying to understand, he has to be put in his place. “Go make yourself some new friends. Because there’s really nothing more to say. I’m sorry, but it hasn’t been as pleasant for me as it has been for you over these years. I’m tired now. Just tired. I’ve had enough. So go, Pádraic. Pleasantries only. It’s time for you to move on.”

But he didn’t. Colm gave Pádraic obtuse, terse answers and then threatened self-mutilation if Pádraic didn’t respect his wishes. He’s a musician, for God’s sake. And he lops off the fingers of his primary hand, crippling his ability to play? What kind of sick, masochistic game is that? Colm went way too far. And in the end? Pádraic burns down his house, even warning him ahead of time and is sitting inside as Pádraic sets the house ablaze. Amazingly, he makes it out.

I mean, I get the idea… of someone becoming psychotic upon themselves, but this is truly bizarre. We don’t even get a backstory on the relationship between Colm and Pádraic, like flashbacks of the two hanging out, getting to see Colm’s face as he grows so weary of Pádraic’s stupidity, but puts on a happy face to hide it. Anyway, and interesting examination of a friendship gone wrong. The feeling of the time and place was pretty amazing.

I used to post those movies in the other thread, but then decided to put all new movie reviews in this thread.

I've explained this before, but I'll explain it again.

I'm pretty good at choosing movies to watch, and about one out of three or four movies that I watch are good enough to be one of my favorite of all time.

“The other thread”?

Yeah, the other movie thread...

Favorite movies of all time ?

But the main cast is black, so i guess the self proclaimed white morality patrol took offense as they do…

So i wanted to thank the poster for linking it and the other ridiculously bad flick in his post for the laughs, but the whole post is gone….
But they were very enjoyable. :+1:

Whoa… that’s like from 2020.

A week ago it was 2020? :question:


I wasn’t aware that anyone here declared themselves to be “morality police.” I only know that the first post mentioning that movie spelled out the title, which contains a well-known racial slur. Racial slurs are commonly regarded as offensive by people of all races. Sb explained that the posts were deleted due to the title being spelled out and being offensive - not because of the content or cast of the movie.

Again, the main characters are black and according to the politically correct commandments of our age they are allowed to call themselves the N-word.
Context always matters.
Or rather it SHOULD matter.

I saw The Black Phone (2021).

[One of my favorite movies of all time.]

This horror movie is superb.

The acting is excellent, even with the child actors, which is very rare for a horror movie.

The music is great.

The supernatural elements remind me of Stephen King, but this movie is surprisingly not a Stephen King story.

The movie builds up nicely to the climax, with everything fitting together perfectly.

If the IMDb description of this movie looks appealing to you, I think you'll probably like it.

If someone doesn't like the ending of this movie, I think there might be something wrong with them.

In other words, I think the ending is extremely satisfying.

Okay, to avoid future miscommunications, from now on, I'll use the word


instead of the phrase

[One of my favorite movies of all time.]

They both refer to movies that I really enjoy, but [Recommended] should be less controversial.


I saw Blade (1998).

This movie is okay.

There are only two or three good actors in the film.

Stephen Dorff and Kris Kristofferson both can act well.

Sanaa Lathan can also act, but her part is pretty minor.

Everyone else in the movie is not a very good actor.

Wesley Snipes is a good action star, but he cannot act in this movie.

The music is okay to good.

The plot is not all that great.

This movie is obsessed with blood, and it gets old after a while.

Some of the action sequences are pretty good, but some are not.

Overall, the movie is not that entertaining.

The One (2001)

Forgettable. The setup is very promising but the resolution is really anticlimactic and unsatisfying. I doubt I will ever watch this again. Some of the early action scenes are kinda funny though.

The Thirteenth Floor (1999)

I liked this one. Similar concept to The Matrix but less of an action movie. This movie seems more grounded than The Matrix in general while having a bit of noir mystery flavor. I want to put this on the shelf next to the Matrix movies…too bad the Bluray is OOP and everyone is scalping it.