Which movie did you watch lastֻ

just watched “The Last Survivor” (2013) yesterday. Nice one. It is about a tactical SEAL team in the middle east that gets ambushed after an OP goes wrong.

Are you referring to “Lone Survivor,” based on the book by Marcus Luttrell?

you totally got me there. Yes, I am indeed getting older and got the title wrong.

Link to movie:

No need to apologize. Happens to all of us. I thought the movie was well done, for the type of story it told. It was almost too difficult for me to watch, though, because I have nightmares about being in that kind of situation.

Greenland, Unhinged and The New Mutants.

well, i will blame it on the pain pills
i take at night due to surgery……

Falling Skies.
i didn’t realize it was a series
until the first episode ended.

bottom line: everyone wears/carries
all this combat gear EXCEPT helmets.
if i was in that situation, the THIRD
thing i would have, after a rifle and ammo,
would be a helmet. yes, i know. in entertainment,
the quote is: “show the money” which means
show the stars the series paid for by showing
complete faces and don’t hide the hair, either.

I had better luck tonight. :laughing:

First up was “The Thing That Couldn’t Die”, which was pretty good storywise, but kinda dragged. It was short, like 1:10 or so, but still felt too long.

Way way back was this pir8 dewd who looked like Ed Mulhare, who blasphemed and all sorts of bad stuff, and Sir Francis Drake had him condemned to be beheaded, and body/head to be buried separately, but both cursed to remain alive until reunited. Mmm, okay.

Thing is, he has this special power to enslave people with only a glance, even his decapitated head (that can only mouth words and not speak, thank B’harni that someone got that right). Mayhem ensues.

I won’t give it all away, but in the end the Ed Mulhare wannabe gets his, and the cute chicks go on with life, unenslaved.

Not bad, but again, pacing was painfully slow at times. And I watched it at 1.10× speed, too.

Second was much better, “The Shadow Of The Cat”. Old lady is armtwisted to change her will to exclude the nice niece and leave everything to the evil guy, then she’s killed by the 2 servants who bury her out in the swamp, all of it witnessed by her cat. (and not Orangey, amazingly enough).

Wellp, the cat wants justice for granny. No justice, no peace. And one by one, the Bad People get picked off, helped along by Tabitha The Cat.

Cat 3, Bad People 0.

But then gramps brings in 3 slimy “low relatives” (their term :laughing: ) to hunt’n’kill Tabby, the wife grows some remorse, but the other two, father/son, want the loot, so try it, and ultimately meet their demise, too!

Cat 5, Bad People 0.

It’s almost a dark comedy with some of the quips from the movie, but meant to be serious. Ultimately, good triumphs over eeeeee-vil.

Downsides is that the music could be a bit loud and distracting, especially every time Tabby makes her appearance. Like, yeah, I get it, here’s the cat. No need to loudly “announce” it each time.

But there’s a bit of a bonus scene at the end which is worth sticking around for. :laughing:

Anyway, it’s quite good. Great to root for Tabby every time she scores. :laughing:

I saw An American Crime (2007).

It's a depressing drama about child abuse.

The acting is excellent, and the music is very good.

The movie is kinda slow, and not all that interesting.

I think it's the most depressing movie I have seen in quite a while.

I wouldn't recommend it unless my description of the film intrigues you.

Indian Runner.
another Sean Penn movie about bad behavior,
but US political strategist Steve Bannon was an executive producer.

Caught “Solitary”, what started out as a pretty good flick, but that bubble popped at the end. Another use-your-imagination ending. That some kind of new trend??

Maybe I should cobble together a few scenes then cut-to-black and call it a masterpiece.

Anyway, the premise is that a pair of prisoners, one male and one female (Havelock and Skill), wake up in a transport pod, and the ship they were to dock with explodes. So now they’re just floating in orbit, nowhere to go, no way to get down.

Some backstory is given as to Havelock’s crime, but Skill is kind of a psycho-chick and you have no idea if what she’s spewing is the truth or a lie.

Anyway, the ostensible reason for sending prisoners into space is to colonise an outpost in space, since Earth is just running on fumes. Turns out they’re intended as slave labor. And rescuing them or getting them down to Earth safely is not quite a high priority.

It’s actually not bad at all, ’though one glaring question is that for a pod which has provisions (food/water/air) for at least several days… where’s the bathroom??

Unno, just 5min more of movie, and it would’ve been pretty awesome. I just really hate those cop-out endings.

I saw Re-Animator (1985).

The music is great, but the acting is not very good.

David Gale is an excellent actor for part of the film, and Jeffrey Combs is a decent actor, but the rest of the cast cannot act very well.

The first third of the movie is pretty uninteresting, but it gets better and better as the film progresses.

It's a horror comedy, but it's more silly than actually funny.

The plot is fairly stupid, but the movie is somewhat entertaining.

Overall, the movie is just okay.

A Hidden Life (2019)

Terrence Malick’s three hour drama is a recreation of the real- life civil disobedience of an Austrian farmer during World War 2, when he refused to report for a second tour of service in the German army on the grounds that his religious convictions did not permit him to participate in the war. The movie is beautifully photographed, and the acting is superb. The intentionally spare, matter-of-fact dialog gives the movie even more immediacy and believability that heightens it’s emotional impact on the viewer. However, few viewers in the USA will have the patience to sit through the many scenes of farm life and the countryside, as well as the realistic, lingering shots of various characters reacting in real time to the events that previously transpired in the screen.

For patient viewers with an open heart and a willingness to witness what happens all too often when good people quietly rebel by saying “no” to tyrants and fascists, this movie will provide an unforgettable, although horrific, experience. As the movie points out in a way that couldn’t be more timely, very few people live up to the ideals most of us espouse. We owe more than we care to admit to such people lying in unvisited graves.

I just watched an interesting documentary, “The Creepy Line,” which is free on Amazon Prime. A handful of people in a control room can influence the opinions of a billion humans.

Bugger, 3hrs long, but sounds like a must-see.

Aliens (1986) HDR regraded to 4,000 nits on Optoma P1 laser projector

I saw The Invisible Man (2020).

Wow, this movie is horrible.

The acting and music are excellent, but they couldn't save this film.

Most of the movie is pretty slow and boring.

A lot of the movie is very tedious and frustrating.

There are some action sequences that are entertaining, but they add up to about ten minutes total.

The ending is actually pretty good, but overall I hate this movie with a passion.

What a waste of time.

The Invisible Man was one of the worst movies in 2020. Can’t believe I had high hopes for it.

Bummer about Invisible Man. Had such high reviews.

We watched The Conjuring last night. We had a couple jumps and it is a good movie but not a must see.

I watched “IP man 4” last night. Pretty awesome but I think IP Man 3 was better. Overall a great series of movies

The Departed.
a wonderful, uplifting
….just kidding.