Which movie did you watch lastֻ

I saw that movie many times. Masterpiece.
The Wall 1982

“Alita Battle Angel” - 2 hours of my life I’ll never get back

The Art of Racing in the Rain

Really? That bad? Not even in “so bad it’s good” territory?

Ya man I really wanted to like it too. I’m a huge anime fan but it just didn’t quite do it for me.

Trying to figure out what to watch tonight… I think I’ll rewatch S01 of Mandalorian before the new season comees out :slight_smile:

A little off-topic, but I don't believe in “it's so bad it’s good” for movies.

If a movie is really bad, it's not good, unless there's someone making jokes like on Mystery Science Theater, and I generally watch movies alone so that doesn't happen with me.

Watched the new Mulan movie on Disney+.

I enjoyed it. Good light entertainment.

Two words: The Room. It’s been described as “the ‘Citizen Kane’ of bad movies, and that’s quite true. So much unintentional humor that you can’t help but actually enjoy it. I did.

And anything from Neil Breen, too. I don’t think anyone could be so horrifically bad the way his movies are. I personally think he’s a wicked genius who knows how to make laughably-bad movies. When a guy’s moustache is a piece of masking-tape with a black squiggle drawn on with a Sharpie, you can’t possibly believe someone would do that intentionally hoping it would look good.

A smart person could write (“forge”) a note to intentionally sound dumb, but a dumb person can’t write a note to sound smart.

On the other hand, you have “Birdemic”, which was absolutely positively supposed to show the world the perils of what people were doing, yet was just bad, but still laughably so. You just feel a little bad for the guy who thinks his movie is a masterpiece but everyone’s laughing at it.

Two good’uns tonight.

First up was “Time Loop”, rated a paltry 3.6 by the usual hit squads, but was actually quite good. I almost didn’t watch it because of the ratings and the retarded reviews. Seems a lot of these idiots post only hit reviews — all 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, nothing higher — so you just can’t trust them. No critiques of substance, just “horrible, bad, etc.”.

Anyway, the gist of it is that a bit of an obsessive father-scientist is working to prove/disprove the idea of æther, brings in his son to help with the work, and ends up with a simple time machine that just throws back what goes into it, 65min into the past. Of course, you can end up with a paradox, etc., other troubles with time-travel that becomes so knotted in the movie that you don’t know how it could resolve, but it does.

You’d think it ends up a mess, but it doesn’t. Everything fit together seamlessly, and perfectly. Keeping track of what’s what could give you a headache, as it did me, but instead of unraveling, everything raveled quite nicely. No horror, no danger (even though it starts to look that way), and had nice touches of humor.

All in all, very well done, and don’t believe the douchebags who tried trashing it in the ratings and reviews.

Next up was “The Alien Girl”, a Russian flick (ru audio, en hardsubs) that follows a foursome of Russian gangstahs who sneak into the Czech Republic to go and get the title character, and bring her back, pretty much to her death, just buying the silence of her brother long enough, after which both of them would end up dead.

Wellp, she turns the tables on them using divide’n’conquer, and makes a break for it with one of the group, trying to escape first, then to stay alive, then to get their revenge on The Bad Man who started it all.

It’s a bit on the long side, almost 1¾ hrs, but it kept my interest throughout. Quite a solid movie, part action, part thriller, and all good.

A Knight’s Tale.
sort of an B&T’s Excellent Adventure
with The Karate Kid as a Knight.
regardless, it was not boring.

A hit and a miss tonight…

First up was “Battlestar Galactica: The Plan”, which was pretty good.

First off, it was very… busy. Know after part 1 of a 2-parter airs, and before part 2 starts you have a sort of recap of important parts of part 1? That’s what this felt like, a 1½ hr recap.

Granted, I hadn’t followed the new BSG at all (probably was cable-only), even though I could probably recite dialogue from the original. So I came into the movie cold. I knew some cursory stuff, but that’s it. So at least in that sense, I got “caught up” by just picking up bits from here and there.

Anyway, the “nonstopness” of the movie kept me pretty much glued to the screen. Hate pausing except to rewind bits where I might not have caught all the dialogue, etc.

All in all? Pretty good.

Next up was “Stasis”. Ugh. I’m getting so sick of these movies-with-no-ending.

It was actually pretty good up to the end, or non-end. Some Evil Cabal starts WW3 and most of earth is nuked, and survivors find a way to go back in time to try to stop the Evil Cabal from even being formed, and those from the Evil Cabal do the same. Yeah, sounds like a “Terminator” ripoff, and it almost was, but the twist is that those who travel back go into stasis (the only minor plot point that becomes the title of the flick… go figure) and their consciousness goes into the body of a newly-departed person in the past.

So a guy and gril (bf/gf couple, actually) go back into the past, the latter into an almost-ODed rebel-goth-chickie, and the former to a 20something older guy. Oh, that’ll work out fine. Anyway, they keep their hands off each other and get to it. Problem is the word “almost”. Ava doesn’t quite OD and isn’t quite dead, so when her not-quite-corpse is inhabited, her leftover spirit just floats around observing.

All in all, it could actually work, but the non-dead chickie ruins it by helping the Evil Cabal, and the good guys almost have a Secret Weapon to counter the Secret Weapon that the Evil Cabal is using. Only it’s almost time for the end credits! And sure enough, once the couple is reunited and Ava gets her body back, the Evil Cabal now clearly has the upper hand and the rebels are pretty much done for except for those two, and then it’s “Oh, let’s go to Malibu to try to hook up with the other rebels there!”, and then, yeah, the credits.

If it’s the pilot episode of a new series, okay. But NOT for a movie. Makes me think these writers paint themselves into a corner and can’t write their way out, so they cut to black just when you expect the Big Action to start.

Could’ve been good, but the non-ending sucked bigtime.

with the original
Jennifer Lopez.

Saw Tenet in theaters a couple days ago.

Finally something original.

This is not a one-sitting enjoyment flick, a la Marvel. It was big and fast and confusing.

But I got the gist, and I loved every minute of confusion because it was so fresh.

It’s definitely a multiple viewings movie, and I cannot wait to see it again.

Se7en (1995)

I have to say this is the only “unboxing” video worth seeing LOL

My apologies to anyone who participates in that particular YouTube thing.

I want to see Tenet, though not in a theater like the director wants.

I'm hoping it's almost as good as Memento, a film that I have seen many times and absolutely love.

I saw Dune (1984).

I watched this movie because a remake is due in December 2020.

I actually saw Dune back in 1984 when I was a kid, but I didn't remember very much of it.

By the way, I have never read any of the Dune books.

The acting in this movie is pretty good.

It stars Kyle MacLachlan, from Twin Peaks.

He does a great job.

Patrick Stewart has a small role as well.

The music is excellent.

The movie is moderately entertaining.

(I think you have to be a sci-fi fan to appreciate it, and I am a sci-fi fan.)

Overall, it's not too bad.

Stay off the spice. You’ll get fruit-punch mouth…

Apocalypto (2006)
Directed by Mel Gibson
Good movie, it’s free on Roku.

80sFan, i agree.
i will watch it again.
that is the last movie
my wife and i both
watched in a theatre.

Caught “The 2nd”, and it was a hoot! Seems Ryan Phillippe pulled a Liam Neeson and became totally badass! RP as an action hero, whoda thunk it?

Anyway, seems some Bad People are killing off senators, judges, etc., who don’t agree with their political leanings. And one Supreme Court justice who was writing his opinion is on their hit-list, but decide to kidnap his daughter and make sure he “corrects” his opinion.

Wellp, she’s still at college getting out of her dorm by 5 when the school’s on break, and Our Hero Ryan is on his way to pick up his own son, too. Everyone else is out but those two, and the Bad People are already there lying in wait, trying to take her quietly.

Things go sideways pretty quickly, and Our Hero Ryan and his son and the judge’s daughter are the mouse in a cat’n’mouse game. Mayhem ensues.

You find out pretty quickly that OHR is a Medal Of Honor recipient, and sonny picked up a lot of the training that he and pop did together, which now comes in handy in dealing with the Bad People along the way.

And it was nice to see Ricard Burgi (“The Sentinel”, etc.), William Katt (“House”, another kewl flick), and Casper Van Dien (“Starship Troopers”) again, too.

It’s pretty standard fare, but was a fun romp. Even the good guys get their asses kicked along the way, so it’s not like they come out of it unscathed, physically or psychologically.