Which movie did you watch lastֻ

Doctor Sleep which was the continuation of The Shining. Rebecca Ferguson looks gorgeous and bad :slight_smile:

Okay, caught “Ctrl+Alt+Trick/Treat”, which was kind of a ripoff of “Host”, which I already watched and “reviewed” here a coupla months back, only instead of a bunch of people having a seance over Zoom, they used a squeegee board instead, and on Hallowe’en, yet, with predictable Bad Results.

It was okay, no big jump-scares or anything, some good creepiness, nifty effects with the mirror (you’ll see :laughing: ), and all in all it was a pretty decent watch. Nothing outstanding, but still a decent way to pass some time.

Worth at least one watch…

I’m just wondering if this is now gonna be a trend, paranormal events over Zoom… “Host” was, as far as I can tell, the original and a pretty novel idea, with “Ctrl+Alt+Trick/Treat” being a decent-enough ripoff, but how many other variations can there be? Use Teams instead of Zoom?

Hmm, that’d be a novel twist, an Evil Spirit bent on mayhem gets foiled ’cause Teams drops your audio and/or video connections. :laughing:

I saw Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014).

It's pretty good.

The acting of the human characters is excellent.

The visuals of the primate characters is impressive.

But the speech pattern of the primate characters is not that desirable, though that may come with the territory.

(I think if the primates talked more like humans, it would have been better.)

The music is very good.

The movie is entertaining, and didn't seem that slow.

I look forward to watching the third film in this rebooted series, which was released a few years ago.

Knock, Knock.
NSF anything, really.
alternate ending is better.

The Dead Don’t Die (2019)

Starting NOBODY, oh there were several big actors but they didn’t do anything. Directed by Thorazine I presume since there was no evidence of direction for about 100 of the total 110 minute runtime.

I thought the crappy reviews were just the usual snooty put downs we see for most horror or action movies but this time it was too kind.

Possibly the worst movie I ever bothered to finish. It’s one of those movies that has so much potential you think any second it’s going to take off and blow your socks off but it didn’t.

I’m sorely tempted to drink a bottle of wine with hopes that the brain cells holding the memory of this garbage will be damaged beyond repair.

Haven’t seen it so can’t comment, but I noticed imdb ratings are often useless. 10s and 1s, often. The former probably cast’n’crew and their families bumping up the ratings, and the latter just idiots showing off how many ways they can think of to insult a movie. (Lotta them have only 1-star reviews, which is telling.)

What makes this one freaky is that it has over 50k reviews and still holds a 5.5. I wonder what gives when trash movies get decent ratings, and pretty good movies get trashed.

There were a couple of political gags that might appeal to die-hards but they weren’t very witty and it’s not enough to save it in any case. This one makes me want to watch Plan 9 from Outer Space just to cleanse my movie palate.

Catching up… First was “A Vow To Cherish”, a “faith-based” movie preaching (not very subtly) Biblical values. It’s not a bad thing, but you feel kinda beaten over the head with it. Frankly, had it been a bit or a lot more subtle, a movie like this would probably appeal to a much wider audience.

Anyhoo, kinda like “The Seven Family” from a ways back, this would be more like The Four Family, as it’s husband, wife, and 2 kids, all pretty religious. Wifey (Barbara Babcock) seems to be slowly losing her marbles, gets tested, and the prognosis isn’t very good: early-onset Alzheimer’s. It gets to be more and more of a chore and hardship taking care of her, so hubby (Ken Howard) lets the dishes and laundry pile up and goes jogging instead. And while doing laps, meets a seriously hot runner (Donna Bullock), too.

Well, there’s chemistry between them, they both enjoy talking, etc., and hubby is tempted. Tempted to do what isn’t specified, but it’s kinda like just feeling the attraction is An Unforgivable Sin and he’s beside himself. Finally, after yakking with a neighbor (Ossie Davis, not a turned-black JFK), he gets supercharged on faith and considers taking care of wifey not a chore but an honor, and gives Seriously Hot Runner her walking papers.

There were a bunch of things I didn’t quite get, but I’ll “take it on faith” (ha! see what I did there?). It was pretty good overall, acting was good, but one repetitive annoyance was the way-overdone music. It just wouldn’t let up, and it was loud, sometimes making conversations hard to hear.

Tonight’s was “Triggered”, which was way more straightforward and more my speed. Kinda like “The Saw” and all those kill-or-be-killed movies, a buncha yutes are out camping, gassed, and wake up wearing indestructible bomb-vests with electronical doodads, spelling out a countdown. Counter hits zero, and the wearer gets all blowed-up. Kill someone else wearing a vest, and you “inherit” the killee’s time. Last one standing gets to live. Simple enough, right?

The baddie instigating all this is the father of the kid in their clique who was ODed to death, and dad is out for revenge.

As usual, there are good ones and bad ones, those who pair up to survive and try to find a way out of the vests, and others who pair up to pretty much kill anything in their way to rack up time and not end up in pieces.

It starts off a bit slowly, lots of yak yak yak, but in retrospect that sets the stage for the how and why and other backstory. Once it gets going, though, you get sucked into it, and the flick flies right through. After only checking the time about halfway through, the rest flew by and I thought there’d still be another 20min or so to go when it was actually finished. So yeah, once it gets going, it flies right by.

Pretty good, lots of humor thrown in (especially teevee/movie references), and a pretty fun flick.

Finally got around to watching Joker last night and it was alright. Was hoping for more action, but at least it picked up a bit in the end.

Trolls with my daughter hahaha

as mentioned in another thread…The Girl with All the Gifts (2016).

1. fast (like 28 Days Later) zombies.
2. spores (The Happening) causing problems.
3. zombies win (Last Man on Earth, Omega Man) in the end.

Social Dilemma on Netflix, it is available in 180 languages.
I think it was the most watched movie on NFX at some point.

I saw John Wick (2014).

It's pretty good.

The acting is just okay, but the music is great.

The action sequences are excellent.

The movie has a film noir feel to it.

It reminds me of Payback (1999), a movie that I love, but with way more action.

I look forward to the John Wick sequels.

A new Tremors just showed up on my list of possible renters.
Tremors 6: A Cold Day in Hell

Direct to Video.
Must resist until it’s free?
Who can resist Burt.
All the Best,

Umm, it’s out, and it’s free. :smiling_imp:

just like flamethrower, above,
i finally saw the Joker movie.
too much Why, too little How,
and some What in the end.

“Within The Whirlwind” (2009)

Emily Watson stars in the true story of Evgenia Ginzburg, a well-to-do professor of literature and Communist Party member who was inexplicably accused of conspiring in alleged crimes against the Soviet government during the rule of Stalin, and was sentenced to ten years of hard labor in a Siberian gulag. The movie is based on Ginzburg’s memoirs, and was done with the cooperation of her daughter, who is listed in the closing credits. This is a realistic portrayal of her experiences, with a powerful, yet understated performance modulated perfectly by Watson. Highly recommended.

“lion king” - part of it - have 8 year old kids

circle of life and all that

and that chess series on netflix - “queen’s gambit” - very good

and the new season of “the crown”


I saw John Wick Chapter 2 (2017).

It's a very worthy sequel.

The first 40% of the movie is kinda slow, but then the action picks up.

The original movie is better overall, but also quite different.

Chapter 2 isn't as film noir as the first movie.

The action in this movie is top notch.

When there isn't action in the film, however, it isn't all that entertaining.