Which movie did you watch lastֻ

Just a friendly note to all… it takes 2 to “start something”. Had that comment just been left alone, it would’ve been forgotten.

But nope, gotta comment on it, then there’s a back’n’forth, and all Hell breaks loose.

I didn’t respond to the content. I merely reminded of the forum policies, which everyone else here has a right to do.

According to your own reasoning, you couldn’t leave my comment alone and HAD to comment on it, creating more back and forth.

Couldn’t just leave it alone…

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Happy thoughts :innocent:

Definitely. Only ceedee I plunked down full price without batting an eye, and like 15min after coming out of the theater.

Pretty good flick, but an amazing soundtrack.

“Crown Vic”
Great movie that shows L.A. at night from the perspective of police officers, the dynamics of law enforcement and how to cope with difficult situations.
I really liked the movie!

I saw Scream 4 (2011).

I like this movie.

It's about as good as Part 2.

The acting is very good, and the plot is also nice.

The music is excellent.

The ending is quite satisfying.

Like Part 2, this is a worthy sequel.

Now I will talk about the Scream franchise as a whole.

The best in the series is Part 1.

Also very good are Parts 2 and 4.

Part 3 isn't all that great, but if you like Part 2, you might as well watch Parts 3 and 4.

Some of the songs on the sound track are pretty good.

Ok, so this is technically a tv series but it’s so bad a$$ that I have to share… Primal

Absolutely incredible

This one made impression on me.

Read about the storry here https://motls.blogspot.com/2019/05/lost-german-girl-didnt-deserve-better.html

This is the regimen she represented and supported, yes so she didn’t deserve better.

The Spanish Earth.

it was notable in 1937 since
Ernest Hemingway narrated
this ‘documentary’ about the
Spanish Civil War.

1. it is all propaganda for the losing side.
2. the antique militaria was most interesting.
3. it never rained in Spain during this campaign.

A Good Marriage (2014)

Not bad once it gets going but I almost didn’t make it past the first 15 minutes - be ready for a very slow start. This is a Stephen King story with no supernatural stuff. There’s also no gore it’s just a fairly brutal situation. What do you do if you accidentally find out someone is a serial killer?f

FYI - I saw it on Amazon


I saw Coherence (2013).

It's okay, but also quite confusing.

The acting is good, and the music is fine.

Parts of the movie are quite entertaining, but there are boring parts as well.

The movie is like The Twilight Zone, but with cursing.

The film also seems kinda pointless.

I prefer movies that actually make sense, though this movie is pretty decent.

watched Greenland yesterday

The Hateful Eight

Pretty cool movie in a cold climate. I kind of neglected this title for a while, but finally had some time.