Which TV show did you watch lastֻ

For new/original IP, absolutely. But this is like a new RE flick where Zendaya plays Alice. :smiling_imp:

Fess up. After all the RE flicks prior, you’d be pretty shocked/disappointed, neh? :laughing:

I would not be shocked or disappointed.

I'm not hung up on any character's gender, race, or sexual orientation.

It doesn't bother me in the least.

To be completely clear:

I don't give a s*** about culture wars like this.

What if you’re watching a TV show and one of the lead actors gets replaced after several seasons of stellar work. Wouldn’t you find the change jarring and feel that the original actor was the “real” version of the character?

I've already made my opinion crystal clear.

See my previous posts on the subject for more details.

Ugh, even as a kid, I could never get over the different Darrens in “Bewitched” (Dick York vs Dick Sargent).

My biggest one was Spartacus: Blood and Sand. It starred Andy Whitfield who was a good actor with a lot of charisma. I was really invested in him as the protagonist. Unfortunately, Whitfield passed away before the second series and was replaced with Liam McIntyre. The difference was so jarring I dropped the show. In retrospect the show was never that good anyway, but at the time I was heartbroken! I think that his performance elevated the show above its inherent pulpy nature.

I could never get into those comic-book movies, because each new movie would have a different Bat Man, Spider Man, Super Man, etc.

At least the James Bond movies were “explained away” that the name JB was more of a title/alias than actual name, so Moore, Connery, Craig, etc., were okay.

You’ve intrigued me…I had to IMDB him to see what it might be. Was it PSI Factor: Chronicles of the Paranormal ? I may have to find that. I like the guy. I have the Max Headroom series too :slight_smile:

edit: Usenet FTW!

Ah! That’s the one.

Forgot to goggle it yesterday…

Amazon Rings continues to annoy in small ways.

Every time a blade does – well – anything. We hear the Kazzinngh sound of metal on metal.
Pull the sword from the sheath – Kazzinngh.
Put it back in the sheath - Kazinngh.
Stick it in a body – Kazzinngh.
Pull it out of the body – Kazzinngh.
Wipe the dagger on a cloth to clean off the blood – you guessed it – Kazzinngh.

It’s like they are not even trying…
All the Best,

For a billion dollars, they want to get the most out of their sfx! :clown_face:

Yeah, Funny thing - Most of the Kazzinngh sounds seem to be the same one.
Everyone knows a entry Kazzinngh should sound different that an exit Kazzinngh.
At least the soundtrack makes my subwoofer wake up often.

Boy-howdy did “Dragons” take a turn for the bloody in the last bit.
To be expected from those who brought us the Red Wedding.

Watched the first episode of “Good Omens” Seems like it’s going to be a fun series.
Too soon to tell yet.
All the Best,

There was an episode of Good Omens that lost its tempo, but, it’s a great series. I’m biased as a huge fan of Terry Pratchett, but my wife’s never read any Terry (or Neil Gaiman) and it’s one of her favorite mini-series.

yes I remember enjoying Good Omens when it came out. afaik they are still planning on another season and I sure hope they follow through with it

Watched the last Dragons episode.
Like most of the rest of the world, I found the lightning on all the beach scenes way too dark.
In my normal TV settings, all I could see was the white hair in a sea of muddy “off blacks”

HBO’s comments that it’s “creative” and “your TV isn’t adjusted correctly” and “you need to watch in a dark room” and you should watch on a calibrated TV.
Sound like BS to me.
The room we used was dark - as in no light.
I hate crushed blacks, so my normal setting has those pumped up so that I never see true black - but I do see detail way down at the dark end of things.

So to see what was really happening, I jacked around with one of the scene modes on the TV and got to where we could see what’s going on.
Then re-watched the beach scenes. The “too dark” rest of the show that others complained about was OK - dark but OK - on my normal TV settings.

All the Best,

And what’s up with HBO’s sound? I have to turn it way up and it still sucks.

Is your TV HDR capable?

Older Sony. No HDR. But carefully dialed-in years ago and works for virtually everything else.
I have one setting for semi-bright room light and another for subdued room light.
Would make most home theater types happy except for the high black levels.

As I said, I hate crushed blacks. Which most factory settings have so they can “show well” along with blown out whites, too much contrast, and way too much color saturation.

As to the sound, I have to throw some compression in there to get the quietest dialogue without being blasted in the action scenes. Missed some dialogue lines non the less. Still have to sometimes play with the volume on some shows…
All the Best,

I asked about HDR because sometimes HDR content can look dark or washed out if it isn’t being handled correctly. Maybe the app is serving your TV the HDR version when it should be getting the SD version. Either way, it’s HBO’s fault for messing up the recording or the playback of the video.

I just started watching the show yesterday. I am watching using a fully 4k compatible system and I will be interested to see if it looks any better on my end. I’ll give you an update when i get caught up.

Cool, would be interested to know how it looks.
On my end, part of this episode is the only thing I’ve seen so far that was so dark as to be unwatchable without fussing with the settings.
All the Best,