Who do you admire the most and why?


How old was he when he went to heaven?

Thank you. He died a few days before his 93rd birthday in 2016.

Hopefully he was able to have a Good Life until the end - It’s no fun to watch them go slowly

My dad was healthy until a month before he passed(89 yrs old) - My mom’s last 3 yrs were stroke- broken hip - dementia - 24 hr sitters ( 91 yrs old )

3 Thanks

Thank you, yes, he had. He simply died from age-related exhaustion and - thank god - it went relatively fast, about 2 weeks in hospital and the last 3 days at home…

I admire Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta

I thought of someone else. A Very noteworthy choice. My ex-girlfriend whom I’m still friends with. I’ve known her since 1980.

She was adopted and her adoptive father left when she was three. So it was just her and her adoptive mother.

She put herself through law school and passed the bar in Pennsylvania, New York and Maryland. She has Law Offices in all Three of those states.

That takes intelligence, determination, Drive and perseverance.

I admire anybody that value truth more than their feelings and admit that truth is not relative, that’s a pretty low standard but this is the world we live in today.

2 Thanks

Wolfdog1226 use to be something else. Campo something or the other I can’t remember now. Cochise334ever seems to be his current name.

Well that is interesting info… :hushed:

Nichia at one time I think as well. Don’t ask me why I remember all of that junk. It just sticks with me for some reason.

1 Thank

A while back, I made a script to detect username changes. Only a few people ever changed their usernames, and it was mostly small changes like going from “DBCstm” to “DB Custom”. But one guy stood out, because he alone accounted for more than half of all username changes in the site’s entire history. And that … was Darryl.

List of usernames logged for old-site UID 6002, in chronological order:

  • Darryl
  • neutralwhite
  • zebrastripes
  • hdssystemsdy
  • hds_systems_dy
  • Prometheus_Lights_DY
  • elzetta_dy
  • hcri
  • ZFL-M60
  • HDS Systems
  • HCRI9080
  • optosolis
  • malkoffdevices
  • virencelights

I haven’t run the script since 2019 though, and it doesn’t support the new site. All the UIDs changed during migration, so it would be even harder to track now. Plus, the new site doesn’t have a feature the old site had, where the user’s post history showed the past username for each post.

If I recall correctly, I made the script because the owner of Virence Lights (really nice guy, BTW) didn’t like having a random person use that name. People thought it was the company’s official account, and this caused problems. So I did some digging and found way more than I expected. And then I think sb adopted a slightly stricter policy for username changes.

Of course, all that is probably out the window on the new site.

1 Thank

Interesting. Thanks for the info. TK.

Back on topic.

I admire people who don’t speculate. It can cause controversy.

“Only daring speculation can lead us further, and not accumulation of facts.”
— Albert Einstein

“Without speculation there is no good and original observation.”
— Charles Darwin

No idea what’s going on but I’m just gonna leave these here because I live for drama


2 Thanks

Oh it shouldn’t be that interesting. Someone just made a post that I happen to have a little insight to. Doesn’t really matter to me. Someone was just curious as to what happen to someone. Thought I’d shed some light on it. It’s not real difficult to put that info together.

And I’m not speculating. I can actually prove it. But, I won’t here. Not the time nor the place. Plus I don’t care. Figured it was common knowledge to anyone who’s been around a while. People change who they appear to be for many reasons.

2 Thanks

I admire someone who knows the difference between Fact & Speculation.
One who speaks Truth & can back it up with Fact.
A person such as this is unshakable.


speculate - form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence.

fact - a thing that is known or proved to be true.

1 Thank

“I am myself an empiric in natural philosophy, suffering my faith to go no further than my facts. I am pleased, however, to see the efforts of hypothetical speculation, because by the collisions of different hypotheses, truth may be elicited and science advanced in the end.”
—Thomas Jefferson

1 Thank

Agreed, but do not confuse the “speculation” with Fact & Truth until it is PROVEN to be so. :+1:t3::wink: