I always find it hard to come up with a new username, therefore I call myself ChibiM on many forums :)
Why did you guys choose your BLF username?
My reason:
I can't remember exactly how it started, but people called me Chibi Marco, after a Japanese cartoon character. So I used the abbreviated version: ChibiM
A friend of mine at work once said I looked like a “ slim kango “ meaning kangaroo. Well it stuck so I figured might as well embrace it. Now I use it for all my forum names.
My other hobby is FPV quad racing; even after several years I am not that good at it and, as I found out, it is one of the most expensive hobbies out there (parts, maintenance and crashes).
Also, I can’t fly when it is raining or windy, when I am working, can’t fly at night, can’t fly around most gov buildings or airports/above cars/vehicles/people/animals, etc… a ton of money for a few hours of flying each month.
anyway, that’s how I picked my username.
Ha , ha , ha..., stupid me , somehow I mistaken the user name (cera@1967) with the password I used on most of my devices and sites ( cause I always forget them !!!) ...
Cera is my wife name and 1967 is the year she was born.., in this way I can not forget the passwords !!! , unless I 'm going to get Alzheimer...
Years ago I needed a unique user name and I looked up and saw my toolbox, brand name Homak. So I combined my initials, DC with Homak, and voila! dchomak.
Consider the word research. Usually research is thought of as quest to uncover new information, but the word re-search would suggest a second search for old information that has already been discovered before