Is it because of poor heatsinking?
Or any particular reasons?
I think the sk98 is very popular actually, but personally I do not like it because it is too chunky to my liking (as is the sk68 as well btw), there are 18650 zoomies out there with the same performance that are thinner.
Because they look boring. Nothing great about them except for its price.
Because it came out after sk68? Maybe if this
Came out first the story might be different. But
The lack of readily available disposable 18650s
Might give sk68 the popularity edge over sk98
I have one and don’t find it too interesting. The appearance doesn’t appeal to me. It is a very popular torch design and is very affordable. Being a zoom torch appeals to some but not all.
I think it’s not more popular now(although many, many people own one, myself included) because the build quality is so hit and miss, the aesthetics are a bit iffy, and anymore most have poor quality pills. I use mine for working in places that’d be dangerous to use a light I care a lot about like when working in a filthy machine, or welding in dark awkward positions (clips on top of my welding helmet perfectly and is easy to slide off for hand holding when I need to position it somewhere else).
Nowadays there’s just a lot of alternatives, and most of us get excited by things that are built better.
The most annoying thing about the sk98 is the driver with this =censored= next-mode-memory. This is simply the worst possible UI for a flashlight and since i have so much better alternatives, this light gets no use. Also the effort of changing the driver seems not appropriate - at least to me…
I have three and they all have a hollow pill, week driver, next mode memory and a blueish tinted XML. All of these things make it a poor choice for a flashlight. I want a well built one but cant find one.
Because These days there are a lot more quality lights available for cheap…when it came out I was a fan of this light but above mentioned problems are suboptimal.
Search the forum for: zeusray ?
it’s a solid pill as claimed by a few blf members in some very old thread
I mean, if it is bad, can’t it be improved with better stuffs like what most modders do in the p60 era?
I might be thinking this as my next host but how bad can it be?
Similar to zeusray, it’s a mixed batch of lottery but how is that different from this?
I think they were and still are quite popular. I have one with a solid pill…put in a 3A Qlite, XM-L2 3C on a Noctigon, and Omten switch.
It’s quite bright and I use it (like Kloepper Knife Works) in situations where the light will take a lot of abuse. It gets used and abused a lot and when I drop it or scratch it up, I don’t care. It has served me very well.
If I had to do it all over again, I’d probably use a de-domed XM-L2/XPL instead for a bit more throw. Also I would have used a Qlite with guppydrv flash on it.
But I agree with the others, it’s a little thick for a EDC and it’s not pocket friendly because of its sharp edges.
I have an original ZuesRay which I prefer overall because of the thicker pill and smaller more pocket friendly form factor. But given problems with the current lights they are shipping, I would rather a SK98 instead.