It looks pretty solid and a decent price:\_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
I have some spare 26500 cells lying around after my Aleto 26650 giant sk68 clone bit the dust.
It looks pretty solid and a decent price:\_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
I have some spare 26500 cells lying around after my Aleto 26650 giant sk68 clone bit the dust.
hmmm….very very interesting
A SkyRay zoomie
I have one of those… although mine doesn’t say SkyRay… if I’m not mistaken mine says Ultrafire.
Decent zoomie… good flooder but doesn’t throw as good as T20
I have one too its a Keygos m12, bought mine 2 or 3 years ago
ZUESSRAY 12.00$amd a real stock out of box xml2 with 900+ real world lumens $
That is interesting. A large lens 26650 light.
Throw depends mostly on aperture, so if it has good cooling it can be made to throw as well as a t20.
Keygos seems to be the name of a store that put its name on the ones it sold but doesn’t sell them any more.
Well I just bought the SkyRay one. I will report back when it arrives.
I ordered one too, because the pill is so massive. It should be good to try getting a lot of current in. I ordered the Dx lens for it. Not as good as the t20 lens but cheaper than buying a t20 just for the lens. Hope it fits.
Yep, peeked my interest as well. A true 26650 zoomie ready to adapt to a bike tail light.
I bet it has a hollow pill.
Which lens did you buy? Do you think it will be a straight swap?
38mm Diameter Glass Lens for Flashlight (19.5mm High)
I have one in my t20 with a deep red LED, because it wouldn’t fit in a Yezl t9 but t20 lens fits in the t9. They have slightly different radii, and without a lathe I can’t do much about that, if the lens is glass. I also hope not much metal needs to be removed, as filing is slow. So the swap may not work. The disassembly thread shows 37.64 mm. overall, so the Dx lens won’t fit unless there is spare room. The active is 30.15, which is much smaller than the Dx or t20 lenses. So it will take too much filing if there is not also spare space inside the bezel ring already, as with the CNQ host.
The t20 and Dx lenses are similar in thickness and active area, but the Dx lens has slightly different focal length at the center and outside, not enough to really affect performance. To get deeper lenses with larger active area to fit, I file the bezel ring. That takes time even for narrow rings with a file but of course would be quick with almost any sort of lathe. My most successful conversion to date is an Ahorton lens in a CNQ zoomy host. Thin long focal length lenses have slightly better throw, but I really don’t like flat glass bezel exposed by the bezel ring. That is such a waste of aperture.
Mine arrived today. I’m a bit disappointed with the plastic lens and the flood has a hot spot in the middle caused by the emitter that I havent noticed in any zoomie before. Might sell it…
Mine arrived today. The massive pill is indeed hollow.
It looks to me to be a direct drive FET driver, as there is a three contact device and no resistor bank.
So to hop it up I will need to get disks to put behind the star, preferably that I can file to a force fit in the pill.
Otherwise I like it, though I miss knurling and smooth curves. The tail cap threads needed cleaning, but otherwise it works very well right out of the box. It is solid and the parts all fit well.
Does that light have left hand or right hand threads? I have a light that is similar to this. It has a massive hollow pill that I couldn’t get out by hand. I might have to put it in a vise and hit it with a heat gun in case they used thread lock at the factory.
Looking down the hollow pill reveals that it is deep and has lots of room to replace it’s wimpy buck driver. 26650 protected cells also fit in there with no problem.
One of these days I will fix the hollow pill, put a 5 amp buck driver in there and a dedomed XPL. Maybe that glass DX lens if it works out well for that SkyRay zoomer.
Ultrafire CREE XM-L T6 3600LM Zoomable LED Flashlight 2x18650
Just press a copper slug into the pill since the depth is available.
Solder a DTP MCPCB to the slug… and you got a perfect heatsink.
The heatsink question is where to get copper or other metal disks just slightly larger than the hollow of the pill. I don’t have it apart to measure the diameter right now.
I received a 38 mm. lens from DX today. It fits in the head but will require work on the bezel ring with a half round file. The focal length is shorter than that of the original lens, so there is enough slide to focus it, and it will have a larger spot.
I ordered a copper end cap to fill the hollow pill.
What size is the original star?