WillyD 500 Post Giveaway (Closed - winner announced)

Amazing final look, it’s like a mirror,can check your teeth after meal :smiley:

Count me in please!

I’m in!

I’m in :slight_smile:

Nice mod :)

I would like to have it :)

I’m in

Here’s my method to strip the ano. So so easy. Takes longer to set up than to actually get the ano off.

As far as polishing, if there are heavy machine lines or grooves I’ll hit it with 600 grit then 1500. After that I use a Dremel with polishing compound and then top that off with Mother’s aluminum polish.

fifth time I open this thread to say I rally like to have a chance of holding this price
four times, just blinded by the cool light you give up forgetting to say I am in.

I’m in!


I’m in! Thanks

I’m in it to win it

In please!

I am in


Looks good! :+1:
I´m in.

I’m in

I’m in thanks!

Pretty awesome build, I would like in…

I would love to win that polished beauty.

Best Regards,


I’m in

I’m in and thank you. :slight_smile:

I’m in!