Winner Annouced-GAW-NEW Rider RX Titanium AA EDC Flashlight Shop on Amazon.US

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Thanks James White for naming the Acebeam Rider RX Coolest Fidget AA EDC Flashlight as the Best Everyday Carry Flashlight You Can Buy!
Get yours here:
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Rider RX Titanium AA EDC Flashlight-Giveaway
Updated name list:

208.Matai O

Winner Annoucement

The winner is #12. supreme

Thanks for all your participation and support!

Acebeam New Product Rider RX AA EDC flashlight will be on the first sale!! The Rider RX comes with the double-wall design,available in a variety of metal colors, brings the distinct aesthetics of the stonewashed titanium body. It can reach a maximum of 650 lumens from CRI90 Nichia 219F LED, so you can see colors in their true form. This is the best option for when you want to add AA EDC Flashlight with fidget to match your EDC kit.

Shop now: Amazon.US

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Interested in

Has this been drawn yet? The OP says 6th of April… I’m excited to find out who the lucky winner is!

Did yall ever pick a winner?

Dunno. Post #222 suggests someone called James White won, but that was on the 4th.

I think that is in reference to the YouTube video

The vídeo does not mention any result

The guy in the video is James white

The same giveaway was posted by “acebeamflashlight” on Reddit which also had the ending date of April 6. The post was deleted and the user is deactivated now.

After posting interest in the GAW, I got an unsolicited PM. Anyone else?

Can’t seem to post a pic of it, copied the text below.

If there’s no prize, and no giveaway, it’s just an ad scam.

“Hi RichH,

I viewed your post which is interested in our Rider RX. I would like to tell you there is a new product issuing price only about USD42.0 for the first batch Stainless Steel and Titanium in next week.

You can focus on our official threads on BLF or join our FB group to get this updated information.

Best regards,


Edit: pic shows now, hopefully.

I didn’t receive any messages after posting.

Oh, that doesn’t sound good…

I didn’t receive any spam message either.

they said #12 won

congrats! thanks for give away and enjoy

the reddit thread was deleted by the spam filter and it actually says that in bold red colors… lol :person_facepalming:

Congratulations supreme!
And many thanks to Acebeam for giving us the opportunity to win such a cool light. :+1:

Where did they say that? Was the winner #12 from this thread or from the reddit thread?

Please read the OP.

Congrats to supreme and thank you Acebeam for the GAW!

Congrats, supreme!