Winner Annouced-GAW-NEW Rider RX Titanium AA EDC Flashlight Shop on Amazon.US

congrats supreme!

Way to go supreme !!

Ok saw it, thanks.

Congrats supreme!

In fairness to you benz, that was edited in yesterday, I checked the OP before that to see if the winner had been announced there.

Anyway, all’s well. And congrats Supreme, I like that washed Ti look a lot. :slight_smile:

And I think I’ve found the cause of the PM.

I’d wrongly assumed that ACEBEAM was sending out PMs to those who’d shown interest in the giveaway, but I made a comment about the price and liking the stonewashed Ti finish here:

My apologies for the assumption, it seems I did kind of invite a PM response.

congratulations to supreme. :+1:

chalk up another reason to not like reddit. :person_facepalming:

Congrats Supreme, enjoy it!

I didn’t get any pm’s either.

Kind note to Acebeam that maybe in addition to editing the first post to state the giveaway winner, also make a new comment in the thread….better chance that everyone will be notified and see it since many don’t go back and read the first post after a thread is underway. :slight_smile: Thanks again for the giveaway!


Thank for the chance

Congrats supreme and thank you Acebeam for the Giveaway :wink: :beer:

Grats Supreme!!! :sunglasses:

So close yet so far. I was #11 on the list and #12 won.

Congrats … I’m in for a Ti when available.

Thanks a lot for explaining that RichH, really appreciate the clarity. :+1:

@RichH Appreciate your clarity. ACEBEAM is here on BLF over a few years.We keep in mind the rules and respect all BLF members.This GAW is released exclusive for BLF members. We will release more GAWs in next days. Please send us PM when you have any doubts.Thanks for all your participation, love and support! :wink:

That GAW is exclusive for Reddit members. But we do not know why it is banned. We have no ways to announce the winner there. Please send us PM if anyone has good solution. We highly appreciate.

Rider RX AA/14500 EDC Flashlight with Fidget

Shop now: Amazon.US

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Just purchased Ti Stonewashed version on Amazon.

Many thanks.

Not at all, I misread the whole situation. ACEBEAM is here as a forum contributor and on a commercial basis, his reputation is important. If I go jumping to the wrong conclusions, I’m happy to apologise.

Thanks, Acebeam, for holding a giveaway of what looks like a great new flashlight.

Congrats to the winner, supreme!

Congratulations Supreme !

Nice. Its a gorgeous light.