Winners Annoucement!!! UltraFire flashlights that under $10 Give Away in TinyDeal!!

A looks interesting.
likely to get used often thus a better long term review possible.

C for me, haven’t used a zoomable light, so i’m curious

Thanks for the giveaway! :party:

I will choose D, because it is green, and I don’t have any with XP-E. :wink:

Thanks for the giveaway tinydeal :slight_smile:

I choose D :wink:

Thanks for the giveaway! I like A.

B for me!

Thanks for the opportunity!

C for me ,thanks

I pick B.

I dislike A the least :bigsmile:

I like A!

I would review stock and with a mod if possible.

My choice is C! :slight_smile:

I already have A, B & D and they’re fine especially B which I modded with dedomed XP-G on Noctigons and does 61,710 cd.

I prefer C also ~ looks like condensed power house.

I like B because of the dual-battery type capability. :slight_smile:

I would choose B.

‘C’ for me please :wink:

B for me.


for me please :wink:


C looks neat