Winners Announced -【GAW】Do you want a smart flashlight/headlamp?

I need smartlight with automatically turn on function when it become dark.
Example: I need to move some things from my dark basement to outside on daylight. I’m stay in front of entrance of basement, where become darkness, tap the button and set light level, when it must turn on. So now it will be off outside, but when i go to basement it turns on near entrance and light in basement, then i go back outside and it turn off automatically. That can save a lot of battery and my time.

I think a flashlight/headlight with smart technology Will be the common in the Next future.

Just imagine how Many diferentes ways to turn on and off… To adjust the brightness… To manage the light output depending on the battery status and so on!

I would like to have one!

And I am in!!!

Thanks for the chance!!

I think your company is wise to continue pursuit of incorporating “smart” features into flashlights and headlamps. Motion and distance sensors can be really usefull, but will not be perfect in every situation. For this reason, I think it will be important to have manual override always available when needed.

Thank you for asking and for the GAW opportunity!

Alpg88, It’s not turn on always in dark place, only if you activate it. I can’t push the button if i handle something. I don’t want click button over 100 times per day. Sometimes every mAh in battery is critical. Price, construction doesn’t matter right now, it is details.

There’s definitely an argument against smart flashlights, especially if you expect to use it in an emergency situation where you want the light to be a simple a possible.

How about voice control? ‘On, High’, ‘On, Low’, ‘Off’. Hands free seems good in some circumstances but I can understand Alpg88’s issues though I have never used a “smart” FL.
Thanks for the GAW but please do not include me as I have already been lucky enough to win a Cyansky GAW.

I don’t think it would be useful. I think people are smart enough to use their flashlights. :wink:
Thanks for the GAW.

I will break my neck in that case, also a lot of false signals.
Adding a tiny light sensor not a rocket science,olight already did it, but not for turn on/off function.

It’s high time to introduce the possibility of programming into flashlights. sensors and smart functions also need to be implemented, but it should be possible to program and configure, and create your own modes, groups, strobe modes and various flashing, and turn off this functionality. As well as programming buttons, I would really like additional programmable buttons, but not this here 5 click once, then hold, hold, and so on.
bluetooth control - programming from a smartphone. and from a wireless remote control for a bicycle with several buttons.
well, in short, without creating programming, the introduction of sensors and smart functions does not make sense. it won’t work the way the user wants it to.

I think the motion sensor is a good idea in theory but execution is extremely difficult. Look at the Olights that didn’t work in the rain because of proximity sensors.

Something like that has been done, Lux RC lights could be programmed with special software, but there were no cables, nor bluetooth in the light, led module had a sensor, and once you picked the program, and pointed the light towards comp monitor, sequence of flashes on the screen would reprogram the light. it was 10 years ago or so.

A smart headlamp takes away the firm sureness of manual control, at least until some advancements are made, and I can’t imagine what they would be, except for voice control.

If the automated system is programmed well (and can be manually over ridden) it could be okay. I just can see it could very hard to satisfy all potential customer’s uses/ desires.

Just please give people the option to buy a cheaper/ “dumb” equivalent model! Some people don’t desire such tech features, nor the extra costs.

The one semi-smart thing I’ve been waiting for is when I pick up my flashlight just a little shake will turn it on.

Alpg88, Ylp gekko also can do that

I have one of these smart headlamps that I use for work. It’s a thrower with a big headlamp and find it convenient to turn on/off with the wave of my hand. The technology needs to be improved though since it accidentally turns on off at the worst times. Maybe a way to control sensor strength with app on phone/Bluetooth/WiFi/full customization.
Thanks for GAW!

it can do what?

I would love to see automatic dimming based on the light reflected back. I hate it when I’m working and get blinded by something too close. For example, I use a headlight to bring in firewood early in the morning, but the white doorframe reflects a blinding amount of light at me when I walk through the door.

it already exists, Petzl reactive lighting

With expensive proprietary battery… :frowning:
They got the right idea though.

My dream list is automatic dimming, at least 1k lumens, 18650 or 21700 battery, 4000k.

I use a pl47 right now and I can drain a 5ah battery by sunrise. My days start early…