[WIP] °12mm° DD+single-7135 driver: double sided 10440 fun for Dual-PWM

Would you be interested in taking clear photos of the driver and sharing them?

Sure! Well, sort of. The battery side of the driver is a bit difficult to photograph clearly due to the battery contact plate. It’s mostly visible after removing the kapton tape though. Here’s how the thing is set up overall:

I was able to see the battery side from an angle…

And the LED side is where I found that pot. Also, the positive lead broke off while I was messing with it… will have to fix that later.

For future reference, there is a mistake or omission for this driver as of v005. The output of the 7135 should be connected to L- (cathode of the LED) however it is not connected on this board. A simple jumper wire across fixes this.

Looks like the OTC via needs to be moved north of the mcu. That would open a straight shot to L-.

I’d love to put up a revision for it, but I don’t have the original Eagle files to play with.

I thought the ” download ” from the ospark link in the OP was the eagle files.

But i really don’t know about this eagle stuff, so somebody correct me if i am off here please :slight_smile:


The download contains the files OSH Park needs to make the boards and any other files that are submitted by the designer. Most folks give OSH Park their Gerber files which can not readily be converted into Eagle files.

Ok, thanks for clearing that up.

So Gerber files is like a compiled program with everything needed to produce the pcb, but not the source code as in the Eagle files that is needed to modify the pcb in Eagle.

Yes exactly right. Computer Aided Design (of which Eagle is an example) produces CAD files which are like source code, each program having its own “language”. They are able to output to a standard CAM file format (e.g. gerber). Computer Aided Manufacturing describes the software and hardware that accepts these files and controls the robotics that makes the PCB or other product.

Oops - Crap. Thanks for building one and describing the problem testedandbaked.

v006 now fixes this issue:
[untested] 12mm DD + single 7135 w/ LFPAK33 v006
[untested] 13mm DD + single 7135 w/ LFPAK33 v006

EDIT: So clearly I backtracked on one of the improvement from v005: When scraping to install the strap, be careful of scraping that nearby via by accident! (I’m referring to the via between the MCU and the BLF text.) It’s still pretty well covered by the MCU, just something to watch out for…

Nice to read you again Alex, you’ve been missed.

+1 on RBD. All the best.

Is there a parts list for this? Or am I dumb and have missed something obvious?

For parts have a look at this driver which started it 17mm & 20/26/27mm single-sided DD/FET driver release: A17DD-SO8 / A20DD-SO8 / etc

You just need a smaller FET and a 7135 chip.

Thank you. I did some hunting and have ordered all the bits. :slight_smile: