Withdrawn: Lambdalights 2D XM-L, in EU

For sale:

Lambdalights 2D Mag with XM-L.

Operates on just 2 D sized NiMh batteries (Included in deal!).

Host is near-mint. Has had less than 2 hours runtime. This is the exact light, which was used for some runtime tests.

Note, that this has Aluminium heatsink, some of these are build with copper also.

Throws nicely. Takes quite a bit current, so don´t try alkies in this.

Runs for 1,5 hours! 1-mode, UCL lens and deep rebel reflector.


I know... maybe not the most "budget" light.

Would it be budget, if I was asking 70€?

Includes shipping in EU!

You can try to make trades also.

I´m selling this because it´s big, so try smaller lights.

That looks like a 3d mag or are my eyes playing tricks on me

But I can assure you, you can only fit 2pcs of batteries in :D

Nice looking sale here! Glad to see the "Want to sell" section is getting used. Quick tip: You might want to add "For sale:" to your title, because some people just look at the current topics list on the frontpage.

Thanks for the tip! Adds some visibility :slight_smile:
I think price is too high, since it’s still here.
65€ sipped in EU. if outside EU, ask for fees.
for trades or partial payment with trade, you can try Xeno, DQG Tiny, smaller Fenixes, iTP A3… the smaller end, you know.

70 was a great price, 65 is a steal! It's only the fact I have no way of recharging D-cells stopping me buying it. Along with the other fact that I've way overspent in the last 2 weeks already..

Seriously though, this is a great price, there's one on CPFmarketplace for $150 right now, and that's no rip-off.

Well, this is BUDGEEEET! :D

(Buy Imax B6 ;) )

Still, this is almost 100$ (93$ to be precise). www.xe.xom

Trying to sell it here for a while, if it doesn´t go then figure out what to do.

Either price-up -> CPF or lower it here until it´s cheaper than budget.

Anyway, there are some differences between this and the CPF`s one.

This is the one made with ALU-heatsink, the cpf-one is copper. I remember, that there was some price difference between these models. From PP account I can see, I paid 115$ BUT it included shipping. So, either ALU-sinked was tens of dollars cheaper or the seller in CPF knows value of his light better O.o

I cannot remember the tint in this light, it´s not warm I can say.

Some Info http://flashlightnews.net/forum/index.php?topic=2411.0

Great price on a fantastic light. Here's a bump for you.

Lambda custom rebel mag conversions are the best bang for the buck out there. Unlike most others, these are thoroughly engineered in house by Kevin; including the driver, heat sink and internals. The XML version does not overheat when ran in high mode through the entire discharge cycle. The rebel reflector is probably the best mag 1 x XML conversion reflector out there and does a great job. I also like the idea of running NiMH cells rather that LICO's for multi-cell configurations.... much, much safer.

Here's my old 3 x XML Lambda sale for reference.

Someones going to get a great light.

Ahhh, damn you Redforest and others, I´m having second thoughts now :D

After getting bids even from 65e, I calculated I´m having less from this than what a basic stock Maglite LED costs here (honestly), and it comes without even primary batteries. Bare in mind there was shipping also included... That´s when I got regretting.

If someone would have bought it straight 70e or 65e I would have sold. Deal is a deal.

I think for now it´s a keeper, maybe it would be wise to try to sell it to some friend here :tired:

So, for now: Withdrawn.

Yep, for the prices they charge from stock LED Mags around here you would think they are covered in gold and have diamond for lens. They are just ridiculous expensive.