Would people be interested in KEEPPOWER batteries?

This thread is just to gauge interest to see if people would like to buy KEEPPOWER batteries from me. I am looking to make a large order with them because I am very interested in the batteries they offer.

Sorry guys I only had 1 person order batteries. So I will not be stocking any batteries as of right now. I am still going to order a variety for myself to try. I will keep you guys posted on their quality.

I would be intersted yes. 3400mah protected 18650’s is what I run in most of my lights. Excellent batteries. And a US source would be nice again since Bob is MIA.

do you have any 26650 available?

Quite a long time ago, I bought two KEEPOWER cells. They were excellent. I couldn't, however, determine any legitimate difference between the KEEPOWER 2600 And any other protected UR18650FM cell.. Was I missing something? I have absolutely no problem paying good money for quality cells - but I don't like spending money for no apparent gain..

Realistically, what makes the KEEPOWER 2600 any better than say these: http://www.fasttech.com/products/1420/10001901/1143802

$22.00 vs $11.03 is significant..

Looks like I should be able to offer a pair of 26650s for $32 shipped.

You make a very good point and I agree with you completely. However, there are many people that claim the Fasttech protection board is cheaply made and their cells vary in length.

I just don't have enough battery knowledge to say one is better than the other. After talking with KEEPPOWER I do have a lot of confidence in the parts they use and their quality control.

The KeepPower ones might remove the inner shrinkwrap before putting their own on, so might be thinner diameter-wise compared to the FastTech ones. :slight_smile:

I am also hoping they do that with their cells.

It might help with future searches if you correct the spelling to “Keeppower ”. :slight_smile:

I. the 18650's. possibly 2 pair or 4 each. But it wouldn't be until the 3rd of each month. You could pm if youd like

They dont. I have dismanteled a few.

Unfortunately for you I can already buy them for similar or cheaper with free post, mostly from Walbuys, Fastech or Orbtronic.


Care to provide a link to FastTech’s KeepPower batteries offer ?



Good eye Woody.

If anyone is really interested shoot me a PM of what you would like to get.

Orbtronic is per battery. Not by the pair.

I also don't see where Fasttech or Wallbuys has NCR18650PD protected cells. In my opinion them and the UR18650FM are the two best protected cells right now. Based on their discharge curves

The protection on the PD trips at 7A, so having protected cells aren’t that useful if you want super high discharges. For high current situations you want the UR18650FM because it’ll last the longest, then the NCR18650B, then A and then PD last. PD is best suited for discharges higher than the UR18650FM and NCR18650B can handle without noticeable sag, eg. 6A+ (which is not common).

If you’re only using at 3A the NCR18650Bs win runtime wise, and at 3.5A+ the UR18650FM win.

They sell Panasonic NCR18650B 3400mAh which is what KeeepPower uses.

If you look here even though it says 7A trip during the testing it tripped at 9A. http://lygte-info.dk/review/batteries2012/EnerPower+%2018650%202900mAh%203C%20%28Blue%29%20UK.html

Look at the comparison here: http://lygte-info.dk/review/batteries2012/Common18650comparator.php

The 3400 beats the 2900mah up until 3A. At 1A and 2A I agree the 3400 is better.

Granted all 3 are amazing cells though!

Thanks for this interesting tidbit.

Has anyone on BLF ever performed an illustrated dissection documenting the evidence for KeepPower cells lineage ?


I plan on making an order in the next few days. PM me if you are still interested. I can order anything that Keeppower carries.

The prices should end up a little lower than the OP prices.

Are the 26650 Protected?

Yes they are.