You can see the archived poll results on the Wayback Machine:
I voted yes. I hardly use moon mode, so the moon mode is a good place to hide that 5 second blink that changes mode groups from the 3-mode to the 5-mode groups.
I never use moon mode, so I voted no.
I voted no. I’ve only used it 2 to 3 times in my life but even then I didn’t really need it.
I started this pool and voted YES, as moon mode is something that I use very often. With moon I won’t disturb sleep of other family members and preserve my night vision.
I voted NO too! No Need for it!
Moonlight mode is a must have, for all under 1200lm flashlight class for me.
Yes liking moon.
I wake up before my wife every morning, so a light with moon mode is a must have on my nightstand.
voted yes because everyone say so .
just kidding.
Moon mode is nice to have when you’re under emergency with no power source/ reserving power for camping
Moon mode with long run time is the reason i buy Zebralights. They are legend at this
Moon mode is a must for me on smaller EDC lights as per the reasons listed above.
Bigger throwers or 26500 lights not so much
A 1% mode would be nice in an S2+ because the 5% mode is a bit bright. That would be around 4lm for 3×7135 up to 9lm for 8×7135. But if it was a true 'moonlight', 2 lumens or less, it wouldn't be very useful to me.
Yes to moonlight mode. The lower the better. Sub one lumen preferred.
Moonlight mode is the reason I have multiple copies of Astrolux A01.
Moonlight mode is the reason I chose the guppydrv firmware upgrade for my Convoy C8.
Moonlight mode is the reason I chose the Astrolux S1 over the Convoy S2+.
That’s right, I don’t have the Convoy S2+ BECAUSE it doesn’t have a moonlight mode.
I had Astrolux S1, but sold it - my friend was in need for good light. Now EDC’ing S2+ and missing the moonlight very much… Actually that’s the only con I see in this light. And only reason of thinking about having another Astrolux S1.
Great idea. I barely use moonlight mode myself. I voted yes as well
I totally believe that the S2+ is a great light. I read great things about it, I have its cousin, the C8, which is beautifully made, and I was so close to getting it. Pity it doesn’t have moonlight.
In a world where more is always considered better, more horsepower, more megapixel, more lumens… Sometimes I enjoy having less.
But don’t get me wrong, I also drool over that 12,000 lumen monster that RMM sells as much as the next guy
Pretty much depends on how the light is used. In my case moon not needed in this particular light. In a even smaller light, maybe yes.
FWIW, I tried to put a moon mode on one of the nanjg105d 8x7135 drivers Convoy uses. I found that the 7135 chips are really unusually slow to turn on, which made moon mode more unstable than usual with chunkier resolution than usual.
However, on most drivers I slow down the PWM pulses in moon mode to make it more stable. Like instead of 16 kHz I’ll run that mode at 8 kHz. In this case I had to go down to 1 kHz to make it stable, and the lowest I could get it was about 0.8 lumens.
Even the low mode, a 1% mode, needed to be slowed down (8 kHz) to make it work.
However, aside from that, it seems that a moon mode and a lower low are possible on the Convoy drivers.
I think the spacing looks pretty good at 0.1% / 1 / 10 / 35 / 100. Or at 1 / 20 / 100. Much better than the default 5 / 43 / 100.
I think a good moonlight - 10 lumens. For example Olight Baton S15R. I like this flashlight special for its 10 lumens mode.