Would you like the Tritium keychain?

Hi folks,

Nice to share my new discovery.
It is a Tritium keychain.
Here is the link that I found : http://www.ebay.com/itm/272254539693?var=&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&\_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
In my own view, I think it is exquisite and special. Because it always light without the power.
The seller told me that it is a physical elements.
Its lifespan is about 25 years.
That sounds fantastic.
My father’s birthday is coming soon.
I would like to buy it as a gift . :laughing:
What is your opinion?

There are flashlights with the same tritium in the tail for much less, I’d buy that :wink:

Nice for your sharing, my dear friend.
There is the difference between each product. :smiley:

You ask for a present
IF you want to give a present with tritium I recommend this

it is not only cheaper, but does more the only glow, it is actually a very stylish flashlight as well.

So my opinion, what you asked for it… do not buy that $45 Tritium keychain
buy a $38 dollar beautiful flashlight

And of you insist your present must be a keychain wthout flashlight
HERE you go with a ~$19 tritium one
And HERE a very nice ~$34 both better deals then the ebay thing you point to.
You’re welcome!

Dear friend, this belong to the commercial forum… Are you representing the Ebay store?

I like tritium, but for me it doesn’t make sense to carry one this big.

Heheh if we consistently post better options these maybe spam threads can be very nice and if its not spam helpful too :wink:

Member since 2014 and only 5 posts………. :crown:

Absolutely. I was very skeptical of these things at first until a friend pointed out some benefits.

For your Dad...a deal at twice the price! Not everyone is into flashlights but we all have keys ;)

For a couple more choices: http://www.banggood.com/search/tritium/1697-0-0-0-0-0-0-price-0-0_p-1.html

So kind of you. I will think about your advice :blush:

Hi scrumpypaul, I am not a professional guy and not always post a thread.
I like to read others’post, lol

Have you received the Vollsion for review yet? They were also sending me a copy for review but I am still waiting for it. I thought the tritium tailcap is a unique selling point. We’ll see how well the specs on paper translates to real life usefulness.

I have been eyeballing that little light as well… waiting for reviews as well.

It should be in transit but just since yesterday.
Will report first impression when it comes.

Pity it’s a CW twisty! :expressionless:

Firstly, Tritium has a half life of 11 years, so it will lose half its brightness every 11 years. It would have to be very bright to last for 25 years, most Tritium keychains I’ve seen so far say 15 years life.

Secondly you’ll find 142 Tritium Kerchains here https://www.fasttech.com/search?tritium%20keychain
The prices start at about $10 and go up as depending on size and design.

Green is the brightest colour.

(colour is the correct spelling in the land of Kangaroos).

I have bought the VOLLSION SP11-S flashlight from mainland CHINA the day I came back HK !
It is RMB198 !