Hello,i have a project that needs 5mm addressable led strip,now sk6812 mini and ws2812b mini both 5mm,who can tell me the difference between them?thanks.
First of all, welcome to BLF!
Looks like sk6812 is a direct clone of ws2812b with some improvements made. LED is driven at higher PWM frequency and some variants have separate white die, instead of running RGB channels simultaneously. All existing ws2812 libraries are compatible (commonly refered as ‘NeoPixel’). On the downside, it’s sold at more than twice the price of ws2812. Cheapest 1m of strip with 30 LEDs cost around $8 on Aliexpress, while ws2812b strip can be bought for less than $4. Maybe you could share what it is you intend to make, if you are not sure if higher price is worth it. In my opinion, it most likely is not. Sk6812 and ws2812 are actually controler chips, and LEDs you are interested in have chip integrated. You should ask for datasheet from seller you will eventualy buy from, to avoid getting product with specs possibly different than those you, for example, used in calculating current requirements for you project. As far as using them goes, Adafruit has plenty of resources, just remember to search for NeoPixels.
thinly veiled spam.
look at the skype name on the normand site.
Now I feel kinda dumb. Well, hope my post comes useful for someone. I had no idea sk6812 even existed.
OP, welcome to BLF!
No need! This is excellent! When this IS spam you directed to AliExpress thus totally blown the spam goal
If it is NOT you were super helpful.
So win win, nice!
( I remember another thread about those trit vial keychains
It looked like spam but the topic filled up with flashlights and keychains from other places for less money, it was not confirmed to be spam but if it was it so backfired it became funny)
When you look at it that way, it really is win-win scenario. Regardless, I did learn something new, and someone else probably will, too.
yeah a spammer posted something interesting.happens occasionally.
so they are not totally worthless lol!