Looking for at least one 18350 tube for a BLF A6 that I don’t have to wait 3-4 weeks to get. My A6 is black anodized. I’m in the USA. Let me know if you have one that you’re willing to sell. Thanks.
I’ve had too many bad experiences dealing with Banggood’s backorder lately. Not going to take a chance with that.
From the What legoes with what thread:
So, the Astrolux S41 tubes should work for you, and those have been shown to be compatible up to S42 and S43 as well. If you get a tube from any of those, it should fit your A6. I haven’t tried it. Although I bought four BLF A6 from the GB, they all went to other people eventually. I have a S42 18350 tube you could get if you wanted to try it. The other concern might be color matching. Since they’re possibly the same maker, that might not be a problem. But I don’t know.
I didn’t think to try to lego with the 18350 tube from my S43, but unfortunately, it doesn’t work with the A6.
I have a 18350 tube for an A6 I want to sell. And a matching battery too. I know this thread is 6 months old, but let me know if you are still looking.