Looking to buy a BLF GT. I am located in Indianapolis Indiana. Thanks in advance!
Weekend bump
there was one on CPF before it went down… 265 with batteries I think…
I sell you mine for 220 shipped CONUS only.
How do I get on a list to buy BLF GT?
The group buy was stopped already but Lumintop would sell it soon for 300-350 USD I think.
Just ordered the $675 version on sky Lumen. Not sure what the differences are between the different versions on their site.
Wow that's amazing
More money than sense? :person_facepalming:
$675 for a Flashlight and you don’t know anything about it—-WOW
Weekend bump
There is one for sale on FB going for $275
I will have a waiting list for people, who did not make it into the groupbuy ($250 instead 325)
hopefully airs soon
please include me in the list