Scuffed mine up by mistake…anyone have a spare?
There are a few “C8” reflectors around that have slightly different dimensions. Can you measure the height and/or take a picture?
Sorry, mine is from a convoy c8+ host. The led hold looks to be 3/8”, height 1 1/4”, diameter 1 5/8”
You can buy them directly from Convoy, or from a local source like Mountain electronics. There are lots of places that sell them, but for an exact for the Convoy host, get it from Convoy .Sounds like a 9mm emitter hole. They are all dimensionally similar, but some are taller than others so watch out for that.
Yea I was hoping for a USA source. Mtn appears to be out of stock at the moment. Thanks
Rats. Check back periodically since they replenish stock there frequently. Or just order from Simon and wait 2-3 weeks.
Yea. I’ll probably just make an order from him, need some other stuff anyways I suppose.
A C8 with diffusion film is a delight to behold if you don’t need 100% throw. You won’t see the scuffed up lens anymore.
Hah! i’ll save the reflector and use it for something eventually…but it was in an osram thrower so the film wouldnt help much, lol